Puukentsefaliidiga koerte esinemine Eesti Maaülikooli väikeloomakliinikus perioodil 01.09.2021-30.04.2024
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Mäeorg, Marleen
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Eesti Maaülikool
Puukentsefaliidi viirus on Flavivirus perekonda kuuluv kesknärvisüsteemi mõjutav neurotroopne
viirushaigus, mis levib peamiselt kõvakehaliste Ixodes perekonna puukidega. Haiguse
esinemissagedus on tihedalt seotud puukide leviku ja aktiivsusega ning viimastel aastakümnetel on
puukentsefaliidi viiruse levimus kasvanud. Antud retrospektiivse kirjeldava uuringu eesmärgiks oli
hinnata puukentsefaliidiga koerte esinemust Eesti Maaülikooli väikeloomakliiniku patsientuuris
perioodil 01.09.2021-30.04.2024 ning kirjeldada haiguse sümptomeid, diagnoosimist ja ravi.
Töö sisaldab kirjanduse ülevaadet ning kolme haigusjuhtumi analüüsi. Lõputöö kirjanduse ülevaate
raames antakse ülevaade nii viirusest kui seda siirutavatest puukidest. Kolme haigusjuhtumi
analüüsimisel tuuakse detailselt välja uuringusse kaasatud patsientidel esinenud kliinilised tunnused,
teostatud diagnostilised protseduurid ning ravi.
Lõputöö tulemused olid suuremas osas sarnased erialakirjanduses kirjeldatule. Patsientidel täheldati
enim loidust, ataksiat ning käitumismuutuseid. Puukentsefaliidi diagnoosimine baseerus anamneesil,
kliinilistel ja laboratoorsetel leidudel, tserebrospinaalvedeliku pleotsütoosi esinemisel ning
puukentsefaliidi viiruse spetsiifiliste antikehade tuvastamisel liikvoriproovis ja/või vereseerumis.
Kõigi kolme patsiendi ajuvedeliku tsütoloogilisel uurimisel tuvastati lümfotsütaarne pleotsütoos.
Viiruse vastaste antikehade tõus tserebrospinaalvedelikus tuvastati kahel koeral kolmest. Ühel
patsiendil tuvastati puukentsefaliidi vastaste antikehade tõus vereseerumis ning ühel koeral nii
liikvoriproovis kui vereseerumis. Kõiki kolme patsienti raviti sümptomaatiliselt ning uurimustöö
kirjutamise hetkel olid kõik kolm uuringusse valitud koera elus.
Lõputöö põhiväärtus seisneb haigestunud patsientide ning haigusjuhtude tutvustamisel. Autor näeb
uuringu kasulikkust loomaarstide töös Eestis. Teades viiruse levikut ja esinemist Eestis ning haigusele
omaseid kliinilisi tunnuseid on suurem tõenäosus nakkus tuvastada.
The tick-borne encephalitis virus is a neurotropic viral disease affecting the central nervous system that is mainly transmitted by hard-bodied ticks of the Ixodes genus. The incidence of the disease is closely related to the distribution and activity of ticks, and the prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis virus has increased in recent decades. The aim of this retrospective descriptive study was to evaluate the prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis in dogs at the Estonian University of Life Sciences from 01.09.2021-30.04.2024 and to describe the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of the disease. This study includes a review of the literature and an analysis of three clinical cases. As part of the thesis literature review, an overview of both the virus and the ticks that transmit the virus is given. In the analysis of three clinical cases, the clinical signs, diagnostic procedures performed, and treatment of the patients included in the study were presented in detail. Overall, the results of the study were similar to those described in professional literature. The most commonly observed clinical signs in patients were lethargy, ataxia, and behavioural changes. The diagnosis of tick-borne encephalitis was based on the history, clinical and laboratory findings, the presence of pleocytosis in cerebrospinal fluid, and the detection of specific antibodies to the tick-borne encephalitis virus in the cerebrospinal fluid and/or blood serum. Cytological examination of the cerebrospinal fluid of all three patients revealed lymphocytic pleocytosis. Two of the three dogs showed positive results for tick-borne encephalitis virus-specific antibodies. In one patient, an increase in tick-borne encephalitis virus antibodies was detected in the blood serum. In one case, both the cerebrospinal fluid sample and blood serum showed positive results for specific antibodies. All three patients were treated symptomatically, and at the time of writing, all three dogs selected for the study were alive. The main value of the thesis lies in the introduction of infected patients and clinical cases. The author sees the benefit of the study in the work of veterinarians in Estonia. Knowing the distribution and occurrence of the virus in Estonia and the clinical signs specific to the disease increases the probability of detecting the infection.
The tick-borne encephalitis virus is a neurotropic viral disease affecting the central nervous system that is mainly transmitted by hard-bodied ticks of the Ixodes genus. The incidence of the disease is closely related to the distribution and activity of ticks, and the prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis virus has increased in recent decades. The aim of this retrospective descriptive study was to evaluate the prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis in dogs at the Estonian University of Life Sciences from 01.09.2021-30.04.2024 and to describe the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of the disease. This study includes a review of the literature and an analysis of three clinical cases. As part of the thesis literature review, an overview of both the virus and the ticks that transmit the virus is given. In the analysis of three clinical cases, the clinical signs, diagnostic procedures performed, and treatment of the patients included in the study were presented in detail. Overall, the results of the study were similar to those described in professional literature. The most commonly observed clinical signs in patients were lethargy, ataxia, and behavioural changes. The diagnosis of tick-borne encephalitis was based on the history, clinical and laboratory findings, the presence of pleocytosis in cerebrospinal fluid, and the detection of specific antibodies to the tick-borne encephalitis virus in the cerebrospinal fluid and/or blood serum. Cytological examination of the cerebrospinal fluid of all three patients revealed lymphocytic pleocytosis. Two of the three dogs showed positive results for tick-borne encephalitis virus-specific antibodies. In one patient, an increase in tick-borne encephalitis virus antibodies was detected in the blood serum. In one case, both the cerebrospinal fluid sample and blood serum showed positive results for specific antibodies. All three patients were treated symptomatically, and at the time of writing, all three dogs selected for the study were alive. The main value of the thesis lies in the introduction of infected patients and clinical cases. The author sees the benefit of the study in the work of veterinarians in Estonia. Knowing the distribution and occurrence of the virus in Estonia and the clinical signs specific to the disease increases the probability of detecting the infection.
Veterinaarmeditsiini õppekaval
magistritööd, puukentsefaliit, puuk, koer, Eesti