Mehitamata õhusõiduki abil tehtud aerofotode põhjal jäätmeaunade mahtude arvutamise täpsus
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Künnapuu, Rauno
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Eesti Maaülikool
Keskkonnajärelevalves on vajalik jäätmeaunade mõõdistamine, et teha kindlaks, kas
jäätmeloa omanik peab kinni keskkonnaloas kehtestatud nõuetest. Seni on
keskkonnajärelevalves kasutatud jäätmeaunade mõõdistamisel mehitamata õhusõidukit,
kuid puudub teadmine, kas antud meetodil kogutud fotodest moodustatud mudel on
jäätmealaste mõõdistustööde läbiviimiseks piisava täpsusega. Varasemalt on läbi viidud
uurimistöö mehitamata õhusõiduki abil tehtud aerofotode kasutamise sobivusest maavara
puistangu mahtude arvutamiseks ja on leitud, et mõõtetulemused on piisavalt täpsed ning
jäävad lubatud suhtelise erinevuse piiresse.
Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärk on selgitada välja, kas odava mitte RTK – võimekusega
mehitamata õhusõidukiga kogutud aerofotodest moodustatud mudel on jäätmealaste
mõõdistustööde läbiviimiseks piisava täpsusega ning vastab kehtivas seadusandluses
kehtestatud nõuetele. Uurimistöö jaoks koguti andmed 2021. aasta kevadel Tartu
maakonnas asuvas Aardlapalu ümberlaadimisjaamas. Uurimistöö objektideks olid
suhteliselt korrapärase kujuga sõelumata kompostimisaun ja korrapärase kuju ning ühtlase
värvitooniga, kattega kompostimisaun. Välitööde käigus viidi läbi terrestriline
laserskaneerimine ja fotogramm-meetriline lend. Mahtude täpsuse hindamisel võeti
etalonväärtuseks laserskaneerimise andmetest moodustatud mudeli maht. Kõigi antud töös fotogramm-meetrilisel teel moodustatud mudelite mahud jäid määruses
„Markšeiderimõõdistuse täpsustatud nõuded ja kord“ kehtestatud lubatud erinevuse 10%
piiresse. Kõige täpsemad tulemused saadi kattega kompostimisaunast kattuvuse 70% x
70% ja 21 tähise korral. Antud parameetreid kasutades saadi mudeli absoluutseks
erinevuseks 1,48 m3
ja suhteliseks erinevuseks 0,65%. Ebatäpseim oli kattuvusega 80% x
80% kogutud fotodest, 21 tähist kasutades moodustatud sõelumata kompostimisauna
mudel, mille suhteline erinevus oli 5,76%. Uurimistöö käigus saadi kinnitust
hüpoteesidele, et jäätmeauna mahtude arvutamiseks piisavat täpsust on võimalik saavutada
ka odavamat ja vanemat mehitamata õhusõiduki kasutades ning spetsiaalselt fotogrammmeetriaks, projekteerimiseks ja joonestamiseks mitte ettenähtud tarkvaraga.
In environmental supervision, it is necessary to measure waste piles to determine whether the activities of the waste manager comply with the established requirements. So far, unmanned aerial vehicles have been used in environmental supervision when surveying waste piles, but it is not known whether the model, formed from images, collected using this method is sufficiently accurate for carrying out waste surveying activities. In the past, research has been carried out on the suitability of the use of aerial photographs by means of an unmanned aircraft to calculate the volumes of the mineral stockpiles, and it was found that the measurement results are sufficiently accurate and within allowable relative difference. The aim of this Master’s thesis is to determine whether the model, formed from aerial photographs collected with low-priced unmanned aircraft - not with RTK capability is sufficiently accurate to carry out waste-related surveying and complies with the requirements established in the current legislation. During the research, data collected in spring 2021 at the Aardlapalu transhipment station in Tartu County. The objects of the research were an unscreened composting pile with a relatively regular shape and a covered composting pile with a regular shape and uniform colour. In the fieldwork, a terrestrial laser scanning and photogrammetric flight were carried out. When assessing the accuracy of the volumes, the reference value was the volume of the model formed from the data of laser scan. The volumes of all models formed by the photogrammetric method in this work were within the permissible difference of 10% provided by law. The most accurate results were obtained from the covered composting pile with an overlap of 70 % x 70 % and use 21 GCP-s. Using these parameters, the absolute difference of the model was 1.48 m³ and the relative difference was 0.65 %. The most inaccurate results were obtained from the unscreened composting pile with an overlap of 80 % x 80 % and use 21 GCP-s, where the relative difference was 5,76%. The research confirmed the hypothesis that sufficient accuracy to calculate waste piles volumes can also be achieved by using a less expensive and older UAV and camera and with software not specially designed for photogrammetry, design and drawing.
In environmental supervision, it is necessary to measure waste piles to determine whether the activities of the waste manager comply with the established requirements. So far, unmanned aerial vehicles have been used in environmental supervision when surveying waste piles, but it is not known whether the model, formed from images, collected using this method is sufficiently accurate for carrying out waste surveying activities. In the past, research has been carried out on the suitability of the use of aerial photographs by means of an unmanned aircraft to calculate the volumes of the mineral stockpiles, and it was found that the measurement results are sufficiently accurate and within allowable relative difference. The aim of this Master’s thesis is to determine whether the model, formed from aerial photographs collected with low-priced unmanned aircraft - not with RTK capability is sufficiently accurate to carry out waste-related surveying and complies with the requirements established in the current legislation. During the research, data collected in spring 2021 at the Aardlapalu transhipment station in Tartu County. The objects of the research were an unscreened composting pile with a relatively regular shape and a covered composting pile with a regular shape and uniform colour. In the fieldwork, a terrestrial laser scanning and photogrammetric flight were carried out. When assessing the accuracy of the volumes, the reference value was the volume of the model formed from the data of laser scan. The volumes of all models formed by the photogrammetric method in this work were within the permissible difference of 10% provided by law. The most accurate results were obtained from the covered composting pile with an overlap of 70 % x 70 % and use 21 GCP-s. Using these parameters, the absolute difference of the model was 1.48 m³ and the relative difference was 0.65 %. The most inaccurate results were obtained from the unscreened composting pile with an overlap of 80 % x 80 % and use 21 GCP-s, where the relative difference was 5,76%. The research confirmed the hypothesis that sufficient accuracy to calculate waste piles volumes can also be achieved by using a less expensive and older UAV and camera and with software not specially designed for photogrammetry, design and drawing.
Geodeesia, kinnisvara- ja maakorralduse õppekaval
magistritööd, fotogramm-meetria, digitaalne foto, keskmine ruutviga, Roheline Ülikool (töö toetab EMÜ Rohelise Ülikooli põhimõtteid), jäätmekäitlus