Elektriliste sõidukite eramutele sobivate laadimisjaamade võrdlus
Kättesaadav alates
Kraak, Karl-Gustav
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Eesti Maaülikool
Elektrisõidukid on viimastel aastatel muutunud üha populaarsemaks, selle tulemusena on
elektrisõiduki laadimisjaamade nõudlus pidevalt kasvamas. Elektrisõiduki soetamisega
tekib eramu omanikul vajadus laadimisjaama järgi. Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärk
on anda eramu omanikule ülevaade laadimisjaamadest, et teha laadimisjaama valikul
informeeritud otsus parima laadimisjaama kasuks. Eesmärgi saavutamiseks tehti ülevaade
laadimisjaamadest, võeti vaatluse alla erinevad tehnilised parameetrid seoses
laadimisjaamadega ning analüüsiti ja võrreldi erinevaid elektriautode laadimisjaamade
võimalusi eramu omanikule. Autor järeldab, et töö annab hea ülevaate eramu omanikule
erinevat tüüpi elektriautode laadimisjaamadest ning nende valikuid mõjutavatest
teguritest, et teha informeeritud otsus, valides vastavalt vajadustele kõige sobivam
Electric vehicles have become increasingly popular in recent years, resulting in a constant increase in demand for electric vehicle supply equipment. When purchasing an electric vehicle, a private property owner needs electric vehicle supply equipment to charge their vehicle. The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to provide the private property owner with an overview of electric vehicle supply equipment in order to make an informed decision when choosing the best supply equipment. To achieve this goal, an overview of electric vehicle supply equipment was made, various technical parameters related to supply equipment were examined, and different options for electric vehicle supply equipment for a private property owner were analysed and compared. The author concludes that the work provides a good overview of different types of electric vehicle supply equipment and the factors that influence their choices, enabling a private property owner to make an informed decisions when selecting the most suitable electric vehicle supply equipment based on their needs.
Electric vehicles have become increasingly popular in recent years, resulting in a constant increase in demand for electric vehicle supply equipment. When purchasing an electric vehicle, a private property owner needs electric vehicle supply equipment to charge their vehicle. The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to provide the private property owner with an overview of electric vehicle supply equipment in order to make an informed decision when choosing the best supply equipment. To achieve this goal, an overview of electric vehicle supply equipment was made, various technical parameters related to supply equipment were examined, and different options for electric vehicle supply equipment for a private property owner were analysed and compared. The author concludes that the work provides a good overview of different types of electric vehicle supply equipment and the factors that influence their choices, enabling a private property owner to make an informed decisions when selecting the most suitable electric vehicle supply equipment based on their needs.
Tehnika ja tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, elektriauto, laadimine, laadimise juhtimine