Töötukassa nõustamisteenuste mõju valga maakonna tööpuuduse leevendamisel
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Bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada Eesti Töötukassa poolt pakutavate erinevate nõustamisteenuste vajalikkus ja mõju töötuks jäänud inimestele tagasipöördumiseks tööturule.
Töö eesmärgi täitmiseks esiteks uuriti, millised on erinevad tööpuuduse liigid ja tööpuuduse põhjused ning milline on Valgamaa tööturu olukord. Seejärel selgitati, milliseid erinevaid nõustamisteenuseid Töötukassa pakub. Nõustamisteenuste vajalikkuse ja teenustega rahulolu välja selgitamiseks viis töö autor läbi ankeetküsitluse. Selle abil selgus, millised on inimeste arvates parimad teenused töötute tööturule tagasitoomiseks, samuti toodi välja valdkonnad, millele Töötukassa võiks rohkem tähelepanu pöörata
Ankeetküsitlus viidi autori poolt läbi Valgamaal, kus töökohtade arv on vägagi piiratud.
Uurimus täitis talle algselt seatud eesmärgi, selgitades välja erinevate nõustamisteenuste vajalikkuse Valgamaal. Uurimusest selgus, et kindlasti on nõustamisteenused väga vajalikud ning küsitletutest kaks kolmandikku arvas, et kõige suuremat mõju reaalselt tööle saamiseks avaldab neile kutse- või erialase täiendkoolituse saamine.
Tänapäeva märksõna on tööjõupuudus, kus ettevõtted on hädas vajaliku tööjõu otsimisega. Töötukassas on registreeritud töötud ning see on potentsiaalne tööjõud, keda tuleb koolitada ja motiveerida.
Töö autor on arvamusel, et Töötukassa poolt pakutavatest nõustamisteenustest on abi tööle saamisel kõige rohkem karjäärinõustamisest, kuna ülejäänud teenused pole otseselt seotud tööturule naasmisega vaid on rohkem seotud üldisemate elumuutustega. Pigem soovivad töötuks jäänud inimesed täiend- ja ümberõpet, et olla konkurentsivõimelisemad tänasel päeval. Eelkõige toetub see arvamus faktile, et Eestis on tegemist põhiliselt struktuurse töötusega. See tähendab esiteks, et inimeste teadmised ja oskused ei vasta nõudmistele ehk teiste sõnadega jääb puudu kvalifikatsioonist. Teiseks on tööjõu vajadused regiooniti erinevad. Kui ühes piirkonnas on tööjõu suur ülejääk, siis teises mõnikord koguni napib tööjõudu.
Selgus, et pikaajalised töötud peavad ise aktiivselt osa võtma pakutavatest teenustest ja abist ning järjepidevalt ennast kurssi viima ühiskonnas toimuvaga. Lõputöö on suureks abiks autorile tema ametis, kus toimub töötute integreerimine tööturule.
The bachelor’s thesis was made in Estonian. The thesis is 48 pages long, supported with 3 figures and 10 charts. There are 29 literary sources referred to in this thesis. The aim of the thesis was to find out what is the influence of counselling services of Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund (EUIF) to unemployed persons in order to help them return to the labour market. The topic of this thesis was chosen as unemployment is still very serious problem. Exhaustive studies about the influence of counselling services on the unemployed persons returning to the labour market have not been conducted in Valga county (Valgamaa). To implement the aim of the thesis first it was studied what were the types of unemployment, what were the reasons of unemployment and what is the situation in the Valgamaa’s labour market. Then it was examined what were the different counselling services offered by EUIF. To find out the necessity of those services and how satisfied the customers were, a survey was carried out by the author of the thesis. In this way it turned out what were the best services in respondents’ opinion to help unemployed back to the labour market, and what are the fields the EUIF should pay more attention to. The survey was carried out by the author in Valgamaa where the amount of vacancies is very limited. The purpose of the survey was fulfilled, the necessity of counselling services in Valgamaa was confirmed. The survey showed the services are necessary, but the two third of the respondents mentioned the most real circumstance helping find employment was professional and professional refresher training. The author of the thesis has an opinion, that among the counselling services career guidance is the most useful as other services are not directly connected to better chances in returning to the labour market but mostly to general changes in life. People, becoming unemployed prefer refresher courses and retraining in order to be more competitive these days. It turned out that unemployed persons themselves have to actively use services and help offered by EUIF, in order to know what is happening in the society. The bachelor thesis is a good tool for the author in her job where the integration of unemployed people in the labour market is taking place every day.
The bachelor’s thesis was made in Estonian. The thesis is 48 pages long, supported with 3 figures and 10 charts. There are 29 literary sources referred to in this thesis. The aim of the thesis was to find out what is the influence of counselling services of Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund (EUIF) to unemployed persons in order to help them return to the labour market. The topic of this thesis was chosen as unemployment is still very serious problem. Exhaustive studies about the influence of counselling services on the unemployed persons returning to the labour market have not been conducted in Valga county (Valgamaa). To implement the aim of the thesis first it was studied what were the types of unemployment, what were the reasons of unemployment and what is the situation in the Valgamaa’s labour market. Then it was examined what were the different counselling services offered by EUIF. To find out the necessity of those services and how satisfied the customers were, a survey was carried out by the author of the thesis. In this way it turned out what were the best services in respondents’ opinion to help unemployed back to the labour market, and what are the fields the EUIF should pay more attention to. The survey was carried out by the author in Valgamaa where the amount of vacancies is very limited. The purpose of the survey was fulfilled, the necessity of counselling services in Valgamaa was confirmed. The survey showed the services are necessary, but the two third of the respondents mentioned the most real circumstance helping find employment was professional and professional refresher training. The author of the thesis has an opinion, that among the counselling services career guidance is the most useful as other services are not directly connected to better chances in returning to the labour market but mostly to general changes in life. People, becoming unemployed prefer refresher courses and retraining in order to be more competitive these days. It turned out that unemployed persons themselves have to actively use services and help offered by EUIF, in order to know what is happening in the society. The bachelor thesis is a good tool for the author in her job where the integration of unemployed people in the labour market is taking place every day.