Alternatiivmeditsiini turism Eestis
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Millend, Merilin
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Eesti Maaülikool
Alternatiivmeditsiini kasutus on järjest populaarsem kogu maailmas. Samal ajal kasvab kiirelt
ka terviseturismi populaarsus. Teadmata on aga alternatiivmeditsiini olemus ja
arenguvõimalused Eestis turismi kontekstis. Selle töö eesmärgiks oli koguda andmeid
alternatiivmeditsiini turismi kohta Eestis. Andmeid koguti poolstruktureeritud intervjuuga 9-
lt alternatiivmeditsiini valdkonnas töötava eksperdi käest. Andmete analüüsimisel kasutati
sisuanalüüsi ning uurimuse tulemused osutasid, et alternatiivmeditsiini turismi iseloomustab
inimeste soov kogeda keha ja vaimu toetavaid praktikaid looduslähedases keskkonnas
mitmepäevastel üritustel. Alternatiivmeditsiini turism Eestis hõlmab teenuste pakkumist nii
siseturistile kui ka välismaalt saabuvatele terviseturistidele, kuid neid viimaseid ekspertide
arvamusel võiks olla ka rohkem. Puudub välisturistile suunatud turundus. Tulemused
näitavad, et turist väärtustab siinseid odavamaid teenusehindasid. Lisaks teenusepakkujad
kinnitavad, et teenuse kvaliteedi tagab valdkonnas kompetentsi omamine, pidevalt enda
teadmiste täiendamine ning oma võimete tundmine. Vastajad tunnevad puudust koostööst
tavameditsiiniga ning riiklikul tasemel valdkonna reguleerimine aitaks tagada kvaliteeti ja
paremat mainet ja seejuures edendada ka turismi rahvusvahelisel tasandil. Tulemustest võib järeldada, et alternatiivmeditsiini turismil on Eestis potentsiaali ning valdkonna reguleerimine
ja parem turundus aitaks Eestil terviseturismi turul paremini konkureerida.
The use of alternative medicine is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. At the same time, the popularity of health tourism is growing rapidly. However, the nature and potential development of alternative medicine in the tourism context in Estonia are still unknown. The aim of this study was to gather data on alternative medicine tourism in Estonia. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with nine experts working in the field of alternative medicine. Content analysis was used to analyze the data, and the results of the study indicated that alternative medicine tourism is characterized by people's desire to experience body and mind-supporting practices in multi-day retreats in a natural environment. Alternative medicine tourism in Estonia includes the provision of services to both domestic tourists and foreign health tourists, although according to experts, there could be more emphasis on attracting the latter. There is a lack of marketing targeting foreign tourists. The results show that tourists value the lower cost of services offered here. Service providers also emphasized that competence in the field, continuous knowledge enhancement, and awareness of one's abilities ensure the quality of services. Respondents expressed a need for greater collaboration with conventional medicine, and regulation of the field at the national level would help ensure quality and enhance reputation, thereby promoting tourism at the international level. The findings suggest that alternative medicine tourism has potential in Estonia, and regulation with improved marketing in the field would enable Estonia to compete more effectively in the health tourism market.
The use of alternative medicine is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. At the same time, the popularity of health tourism is growing rapidly. However, the nature and potential development of alternative medicine in the tourism context in Estonia are still unknown. The aim of this study was to gather data on alternative medicine tourism in Estonia. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with nine experts working in the field of alternative medicine. Content analysis was used to analyze the data, and the results of the study indicated that alternative medicine tourism is characterized by people's desire to experience body and mind-supporting practices in multi-day retreats in a natural environment. Alternative medicine tourism in Estonia includes the provision of services to both domestic tourists and foreign health tourists, although according to experts, there could be more emphasis on attracting the latter. There is a lack of marketing targeting foreign tourists. The results show that tourists value the lower cost of services offered here. Service providers also emphasized that competence in the field, continuous knowledge enhancement, and awareness of one's abilities ensure the quality of services. Respondents expressed a need for greater collaboration with conventional medicine, and regulation of the field at the national level would help ensure quality and enhance reputation, thereby promoting tourism at the international level. The findings suggest that alternative medicine tourism has potential in Estonia, and regulation with improved marketing in the field would enable Estonia to compete more effectively in the health tourism market.
Loodusturismi õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, alternatiivmeditsiin, alternatiivmeditsiini turism, terviseturism, turism, heaolu, Roheline Ülikool (töö toetab EMÜ Rohelise Ülikooli põhimõtteid), keskkond, jätkusuutlikkus, säästev areng