Application of the differential scanning calorimetry method in the study of the tomato fruits drying process
Kättesaadav alates
Kuznietsova, Inha
Bandura, Valentyna
Paziuk, Vаdym
Tokarchuk, Oleksii
Kupchuk, Ihor
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
Estonian Academic Agricultural Society
Structural changes in the process of heating fresh fruit, sundried fruits and powder obtained from the dried tomato fruits were studied
by differential scanning calorimetry method application. The kinetics of
the shredded fruits in the dryer proves the prospects for using convective
drying, which is performed for 295 minutes. The kinetic coefficients of
drying and critical moisture content in the crushed fruits of tomato were
determined. The kinetic coefficients were determined by the graphicalanalytical method: a = 0.839, ln(α) = 1.3 and α (1 s–1
) = 0.262. It was
determined that the critical maximum moisture content for drying the
shredded fruits of tomatoes is 1.503% mm–1
, after what the process of
combustion of vegetable tissue begins. The application of the differential
scanning calorimetry (DSC) method allowed the fuller study of the
mechanism of drying the fruits of tomato in different condition: fresh, sundried and dried. It was determined that the greatest amount of energy is
consumed to remove free moisture (1,993 J g–1
) from the fresh tomatoes.
At the same time, when being cooled, crystallization in plant tissue occurs
with the release of energy in the amount of 0.03922 J g
. When drying the
previously sun-dried tomatoes the process of moisture removal and the
partial decomposition of the compounds that are unstable to temperature
is completed. At the same time, at the 129.61 °C temperature in the powder
obtained from the fruits of tomatoes, melting of carbohydrates and other
compounds occurred. Thus, this confirms the need to observe the
normalized value of the mass fraction of moisture in the powders in the
process of their packaging, storage and use. The basic technological
system of production of powder from dried fruits of tomatoes is offered.
Saabunud / Received 18.05.2020 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 14.07.2020 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 14.07.2020 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Ihor Kupchuk e-mail:
tomatoes, drying, method, moisture, crystallization, carotene-containing raw materials, articles