Veinipressjääkide biokeemiline koostis
Kättesaadav alates
Terentjeva, Darja
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Eesti Maaülikool
Veinide tootmisel tekib suures koguses kõrvalsaadusi. Käesoleva töö hüpotees oli, et veinitootmise käigus tekkinud pressjääk sisaldab erinevaid bioaktiivseid ühendeid. Antud töö eesmärgiks on selgitada välja sortide ‘Zilga’ ja ‘Hasanski Sladki’ marjade ja veini tootmise pressjäägi polüfenoolide profiil. Katses analüüsiti marju, mis korjati 2021. aastal Eesti Maaülikooli Rõhu katsejaamas ja nendest valmistatud veinide pressjääki. Veini toormaterjali ja pressjääke analüüsiti EMÜ PKI Polli Aiandusuuringute Keskuse analüüsiüksuse laboratooriumis. Katses määrati ‘Zilga’ (punane vein) ja ‘Hasanski Sladki’ (roosa vein) marjade ja veinipressjäägi erinevate polüfenoolide sisaldus ja osatähtsus.
Uuritud sortide marjades on peamiseks polüfenooliks protsüanidiin C1 ja malvidiin. Katseveinide pressjääkides oli suurema osatähtsusega malvidiin. Sordi ‘Zilga’ marjade polüfenoolidest oli suurema osatähtsusega protsüanidiin C1, seejärel malvidiin, sitosterool, delfinidiin ja tsüanidiin. Pressjäägis oli järjestus vastavalt malvidiin, sitosterool, peonidiin, tsüanidiin ja kvertsetiin. Viinamarja sordi ‘Hasanski Sladki’ marjades oli domineerivaks polüfenooliks malvidiin (29%), seejärel protsüanidiin C1, peonidiin, sitosterool, katehhiin, delfinidiin ja tsüanidiin. ‘Hasanaski Sladki’ roosa veinipressjäägi polüfenoolide järjestus: malvidiin, peonidiin, delfinidiin, kvertsetiin, tsüanidiin, katehhiin. Saadud tulemustest saab järeldada, et biokeemilist koostist mõjutavad mitmed tegurid, sealhulgas sordiomadused ja veinivalmistamise tehnoloogia.
The production of wines produces a large amount of by-products. The hypothesis of this research was that pomace generated during wine production contains various bioactive compounds. The aim of this study is to determine the polyphenolic profile of pomace from the production of the cultivars 'Zilga' and 'Hasanski Sladki' berries and wine. The experiment analyzed berries that were picked in 2021 at the Rõhu experimental station of the Estonian University of Life Sciences and the wine pomace made from them. The wine raw material and pomace were analyzed in the Polli Horticultural Research Centre laboratory of the Estonian University of Life Sciences. The experiment determined the content and proportion of different polyphenols in the berries and wine pomace of 'Zilga' (red wine) and 'Hasanski Sladki' (rosé wine) cultivars. Procyanidin C1 and malvidin are the main polyphenols in the berries of studied cultivars. Both wine pomaces had a higher proportion of malvidin. Procyanidin C1 was the most important polyphenol in berries of cultivar 'Zilga', followed by malvidin, sitosterol, delphinidin and cyanidin. In wine pomace were found malvidin, sitosterol, peonidin, cyanidin, and quercetin. Malvidin was dominant polyphenol (29%) in berries of grape cultivar 'Hasanski Sladki', followed by procyanidin C1, peonidin, sitosterol, catechin, delphinidin and cyanidin. In the pomace of cultivar 'Hasanski Sladki' rosé wine, polyphenols: malvidin, peonidin, delphinidin, quercetin, cyanidin, and catechin. The obtained results suggest that the biochemical composition is influenced by several factors, including cultivar characteristics and wine-making technology.
The production of wines produces a large amount of by-products. The hypothesis of this research was that pomace generated during wine production contains various bioactive compounds. The aim of this study is to determine the polyphenolic profile of pomace from the production of the cultivars 'Zilga' and 'Hasanski Sladki' berries and wine. The experiment analyzed berries that were picked in 2021 at the Rõhu experimental station of the Estonian University of Life Sciences and the wine pomace made from them. The wine raw material and pomace were analyzed in the Polli Horticultural Research Centre laboratory of the Estonian University of Life Sciences. The experiment determined the content and proportion of different polyphenols in the berries and wine pomace of 'Zilga' (red wine) and 'Hasanski Sladki' (rosé wine) cultivars. Procyanidin C1 and malvidin are the main polyphenols in the berries of studied cultivars. Both wine pomaces had a higher proportion of malvidin. Procyanidin C1 was the most important polyphenol in berries of cultivar 'Zilga', followed by malvidin, sitosterol, delphinidin and cyanidin. In wine pomace were found malvidin, sitosterol, peonidin, cyanidin, and quercetin. Malvidin was dominant polyphenol (29%) in berries of grape cultivar 'Hasanski Sladki', followed by procyanidin C1, peonidin, sitosterol, catechin, delphinidin and cyanidin. In the pomace of cultivar 'Hasanski Sladki' rosé wine, polyphenols: malvidin, peonidin, delphinidin, quercetin, cyanidin, and catechin. The obtained results suggest that the biochemical composition is influenced by several factors, including cultivar characteristics and wine-making technology.
Aianduse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, viinamarjad, vein, pressjääk, polüfenoolid, malvidiin, protsüanidiin C1, Roheline Ülikool (töö toetab EMÜ Rohelise Ülikooli põhimõtteid), jäätmekäitlus