Bioenergy in agricultural companies: financial performance assessment
Kättesaadav alates
Nurmet, Maire
Mõtte, Mati
Lemsalu, Katrin
Lehtsaar, Jüri
Ajakirja pealkiri
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The target of increasing the use of renewable energy in rural areas has initiated the
investments in bioenergy. The purpose of this paper is to assess the financial performance of
Estonian agricultural companies that have invested in bioenergy solutions. An investment in
bioenergy is attractive to the company if the results obtained by it enable benefits to the investors.
In the context of the study of financial performance of agricultural companies that have
undertaken bioenergy investments, the key performance indicators based on DuPont identity are
analysed from the perspective of formulating and implementing a company’s financial decisions.
The data of financial statements of the analysed companies are from Estonian Agricultural
Registers and Information Board (ARIB) and Commercial Register. The study reports the
financial performance results of Estonian agricultural companies using renewable resources and
producing bioenergy: whether they achieved higher efficiency and profitability or change in
financial structure. The Estonian agricultural companies that have invested in bioenergy solutions
may need to control their financial performance by improving profitability and controlling
financial leverage.
agricultural companies’ performance, bioenergy investment, DuPont identity, renewable energy, articles