Analysis of indoor temperature in the workshop building during the summer: a pilot study
Kättesaadav alates
Cao, D.V.
Kic, P.
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
The aim of this paper is the presentation of measurements' results and the calculation
method for analysis and evaluation of climate conditions as well for using of natural illuminance
in two large simple buildings during summer which could be used to calc
ulate power demand for
the air cooling to reduce the indoor temperature caused by solar radiation. In this research, we
carried out experiments of measuring the indoor temperature at level of working place which is
1.1 m, in two similar large workshops wit
h floor area 260
and height 6.5
m, during several
hot summer days. The indoor conditions were strongly influenced by the solar radiation as the
buildings have large wall and roof windows. The indoor air temperatures in the first building
achieved 39.5
C, which caused the heat stress for workers. The indoor air temperatures in the
second building achieved only 29.5
°C. The calculated power demand for the air cooling to reduce
the indoor temperature to 25
is 25
kW in the first building, the cooling p
ower for second
building is 14
kW. We investigated measured construction of the workshop and we set up the
formula in order to calculate thermal balance. The measurement results and calculated results in
two buildings are compared and summarized in the t
ables and in the graphs for analysis. As a
general conclusion, it must be said that solar radiation has a big influence on the air temperature
and methods of passive air
conditioning should be more applied also on the production buildings
in industry, agri
culture and other branches of civil engineering to release heat increasing air
temperature inside the building.
air conditioning, inside temperature, solar radiation, thermal balance, articles