Taluhoone remont- ja rekonstrueerimistööde vajaduse analüüs ning majanduslik põhjendatus
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Eesti Maaülikool
Eestis on palju taluhooneid, mis on ehitatud 19. sajandi lõpul või 20. sajandi esimesel
poolel ning mida inimesed soovivad tänu majanduslike võimaluste parenemisele ja
maalähedase elulaadi populariseerimisele kaasajastama hakata.
Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks on selgitada välja, milliseid remont- ja rekonstrueerimistöid
on Kinnika talu eluhoone puhul vaja teostada ja määrata nende tööde umbkaudne
maksumus ning võrrelda saadud tulemusi uue samaväärse hoone ehitamise umbkaudse
maksumusega ja selgitada välja, kumb ettevõtmine on majanduslikult kasulikum.
Eelmainitud eesmärgi saavutamiseks viidi kõigepealt läbi uurimisobjektiks oleva hoone
tehnilise seisukorra hindamine ja koostati selle põhjal vajalike remont- ja
rekonstrueerimistööde loetelud ning määrati nende tööde mahud. Hoone tehnilise
seisukorra hindamine viidi läbi visuaalse vaatluse ja termograafia meetodeid kasutades.
Järgmise etapina koostati olemasoleva hoone põhjal uue samaväärse hoone joonised
eelprojekti staadiumis ja vajalike ehitustööde loetelud ning määrati nende tööde mahud.
Viimaks hangiti ehitusettevõtetelt mainitud tööde teostamise hinnapakkumised ja selgitati
välja, kas soodsam on olemasoleva hoone remontimine ja rekonstrueerimine või uue
samaväärse hoone ehitamine.
Saadud hinnapakkumistest järeldus, et uurimisobjektiks oleva hoone remontimine ja
rekonstrueerimine on uue samaväärse hoone ehitamisest kokkuvõtvalt 32’786 eurot
odavam ning seetõttu majanduslikult mõistlikum. Hoonete maksumusi omavahel võrreldes on näha, et ülejäänutest märkimisväärselt kallimaks kujunevad nii olemasoleva hoone
remontimise ja rekonstrueerimise kui ka uue hoone ehitamise korral katusega seotud tööd.
Katusega seotud tööde maksumustele järgnevad kalliduse poolest mõlemal juhul
vundamentide ja alustega, seinte pindadega ning vahelagedega seotud tööd, ületades
10’000 euro piiri. Märkimisväärseid erinevusi on näha hoonete kande-, jäigastavate ja
piirdetarinditega, küttekolletega, fassaadi ja fassaadielementidega ning akendega seotud
tööde maksumusi omavahel võrreldes. Kõikide mainitud hooneosadega seotud tööde
maksumused on uue hoone ehitamise korral kallimad. Saadud tulemus on tingitud
asjaolust, et uurimisobjektiks oleva hoone mainitud hooneosade tehniline seisukord on hea
ja/või mainitud hooneosadega seotud vajalikud remont- ja rekonstrueerimistööd ning
nendega kaasnevad kulutused on juba suures mahus tehtud. Kokkuvõtvalt võib öelda, et
vana taluhoone remontimine ja rekonstrueerimine on selle asemel uue samaväärse hoone
ehitamisest majanduslikult mõistlikum sellisel juhul, kui seda on aja jooksul asjatundlikult
ning järjepidevalt remonditud.
Käesoleva lõputöö praktiline väärtus seisneb selles, et see annab Kinnika talu omanikele
soovitused ja tehnilised lahendused koos majanduslike põhjendustega olemasoleva
eluhoone remontimiseks ja rekonstrueerimiseks ning aitab jõuda neil otsusele, kas hakata
olemasolevat eluhoonet parandama või selle asemel uut hoonet ehitama. Kuigi iga
taluhoone tehniline seisukord ning seetõttu ka vajalike remont- ja rekonstrueerimistööde
loetelud ning maksumus on erinev, annab käesolev lõputöö teoreetilisi soovitusi ka teistele
sarnaste taluhoonete omanikele.
Estonia has many farmhouses that were built in the late 19th or first half of the 20th century. As economic opportunities have improved and rural life has popularized, people are thinking more and more about modernizing old farmhouses. The aim of this thesis is to find out which repair and reconstruction works are needed in the residential building of Kinnika farm and to determine the cost of these works and to compare the obtained results with the cost of building a new equivalent farmhouse and to find out which proposition would be more economically viable. In order to achieve the above-mentioned goal, first of all, the assessment of the technical condition of the building under investigation was carried out. Then on the basis of it the lists of necessary repair and reconstruction works were compiled and the volumes of these works were determined. The assessment of the technical condition of the building was carried out using visual observation and thermography methods. In the next stage, on the basis of the existing building, drawings of a new equivalent building at the preliminary design stage and lists of necessary construction works were prepared and the volumes of these works were determined. Finally, price offers from different construction companies were obtained for needed constructions and it was assessed whether it was more advantageous to repair and reconstruct an existing building or build a new one. From the received price offers, it was concluded that the repair and reconstruction of the investigated building is a total of EUR 32 786 cheaper and therefore economically reasonable than the construction of a new equivalent building. When comparing the estimated costs of needed constructions, it is seen that the works related to the roof will be significantly more expensive than other constructional works. That is in the case of repair and reconstruction of the existing building as well as construction of a new building. In both cases, the cost of roofing work is followed by work on foundations, wall surfaces and ceilings. These constructions are all exceeding the EUR 10 000 threshold. Significant differences can be seen in the comparison of the costs of works related to load-bearing, stiffening and fencing structures, heating fireplaces, facade and facade elements and windows. The costs of all the mentioned constructions are more expensive when building a new farmhouse. The result obtained is due to the fact that the technical condition of the mentioned parts of the building under investigation is already good and / or the necessary repair and reconstruction works related to the said parts of the building and the related costs have already been incurred to a large extent. In conclusion, the repair and reconstruction of an old farmhouse is economically more reasonable than the construction of a new building if the existing house has been professionally and consistently repaired over time. The practical value of this thesis is to provide the owners of Kinnika farm with recommendations with economic justifications for the repair and reconstruction of the existing residential building and help them to decide whether to start repairing the existing farmhouse or build a new one instead. Although the technical condition of each farmhouse and therefore also the lists and cost of necessary repair and reconstruction works are different, this thesis also provides theoretical recommendations to other owners of similar farmhouses.
Estonia has many farmhouses that were built in the late 19th or first half of the 20th century. As economic opportunities have improved and rural life has popularized, people are thinking more and more about modernizing old farmhouses. The aim of this thesis is to find out which repair and reconstruction works are needed in the residential building of Kinnika farm and to determine the cost of these works and to compare the obtained results with the cost of building a new equivalent farmhouse and to find out which proposition would be more economically viable. In order to achieve the above-mentioned goal, first of all, the assessment of the technical condition of the building under investigation was carried out. Then on the basis of it the lists of necessary repair and reconstruction works were compiled and the volumes of these works were determined. The assessment of the technical condition of the building was carried out using visual observation and thermography methods. In the next stage, on the basis of the existing building, drawings of a new equivalent building at the preliminary design stage and lists of necessary construction works were prepared and the volumes of these works were determined. Finally, price offers from different construction companies were obtained for needed constructions and it was assessed whether it was more advantageous to repair and reconstruct an existing building or build a new one. From the received price offers, it was concluded that the repair and reconstruction of the investigated building is a total of EUR 32 786 cheaper and therefore economically reasonable than the construction of a new equivalent building. When comparing the estimated costs of needed constructions, it is seen that the works related to the roof will be significantly more expensive than other constructional works. That is in the case of repair and reconstruction of the existing building as well as construction of a new building. In both cases, the cost of roofing work is followed by work on foundations, wall surfaces and ceilings. These constructions are all exceeding the EUR 10 000 threshold. Significant differences can be seen in the comparison of the costs of works related to load-bearing, stiffening and fencing structures, heating fireplaces, facade and facade elements and windows. The costs of all the mentioned constructions are more expensive when building a new farmhouse. The result obtained is due to the fact that the technical condition of the mentioned parts of the building under investigation is already good and / or the necessary repair and reconstruction works related to the said parts of the building and the related costs have already been incurred to a large extent. In conclusion, the repair and reconstruction of an old farmhouse is economically more reasonable than the construction of a new building if the existing house has been professionally and consistently repaired over time. The practical value of this thesis is to provide the owners of Kinnika farm with recommendations with economic justifications for the repair and reconstruction of the existing residential building and help them to decide whether to start repairing the existing farmhouse or build a new one instead. Although the technical condition of each farmhouse and therefore also the lists and cost of necessary repair and reconstruction works are different, this thesis also provides theoretical recommendations to other owners of similar farmhouses.
Ehitusinseneri lõputöö
Maaehituse õppekaval
magistritööd, tehniline seisukord, remontimine, rekonstrueerimine, maksumus, võrdlemine