Õppevahend pöördlaua kasutamisest CNC-töötlemiskeskuses
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Eesti Maaülikool
EMÜ TI õppekavades pakutava õppe sisu peab olema tehnoloogiliselt võimalikult
mitmekülgne. Senini puudub Tehnikainstituudi õppetöös 3+1 töötluse pöördlaua osa.
Päevakorda kerkis vajadus ja võimalus koostada õppevahend, mis on sobiv õppeainete “APJ
seadmete” ja “CAM-süsteemid I” läbiviimisel.
Lõputöö eesmärgiks oli tutvuda Eesti Maaülikooli Tehnikainstituudi CNC laboris oleva
õppeeksperimentaal APJ freespingi lisaseadmega ning arendada pöördlaua põhjal
laboratoorsete tööde kogumik, mis sisaldab kaasaegset CAM-süsteemide tundmaõppimist,
töötlemiskeskuse üles seadistamist ja on seotud erinevate tootmis valdkondadega. Vastava
süsteemi võimaluste detailine tundmine on insenerikutse üheks vajalikuks osaks. Eesmärgini
jõudmiseks uuriti pöördlaua HRT160 olemust ja tehnoloogilisi võimalusi. Loodi
puuduolevad abitarvikud ning laboratoorsete tööde kogumik. Töö tulemusena valmis
õppevahend, kasutamiseks tootmistehnika alases kõrghariduses EMÜ TI’s, mis annab juurde
uue väljundi tootmistehnika alasesse kõrghariduse õppesse Eesti Maaülikooli
Tehnikainstituudis ja Tartu Tehnikakolledžis.
The content of the curriculum offered by the EMÜ TI curricula must be as technologically diverse as possible. So far there is no part of the 3+1 milling in the Institute of Technology. There was a need and opportunity to create an educational tool that is suitable for subjects “APJ seadmed” and “CAM-süsteemid I”. The aim of the thesis was to explore the rotary table HRT160 and develop a collection of laboratory works based on a rotary table, that includes modern knowledge of CAM systems, setting up a work place and are related to different manufacturing areas. Knowledge of the capabilities of that kind of system is an essential part of engineering. To achieve the goal, has the author of the thesis made research of rotary table HRT160, developed missing parts and made a collection of laboratory works. The result of the work was a completed educational tool for higher education in manufacturing technology at EMU TI, which provides a new output for higher education in manufacturing technology at the Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Technology and Tartu Technical College.
The content of the curriculum offered by the EMÜ TI curricula must be as technologically diverse as possible. So far there is no part of the 3+1 milling in the Institute of Technology. There was a need and opportunity to create an educational tool that is suitable for subjects “APJ seadmed” and “CAM-süsteemid I”. The aim of the thesis was to explore the rotary table HRT160 and develop a collection of laboratory works based on a rotary table, that includes modern knowledge of CAM systems, setting up a work place and are related to different manufacturing areas. Knowledge of the capabilities of that kind of system is an essential part of engineering. To achieve the goal, has the author of the thesis made research of rotary table HRT160, developed missing parts and made a collection of laboratory works. The result of the work was a completed educational tool for higher education in manufacturing technology at EMU TI, which provides a new output for higher education in manufacturing technology at the Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Technology and Tartu Technical College.
Tootmistehnika õppekaval
magistritööd, freesimine, laboratoorsed uuringud, laboratoorsed katsed