Kaasaegsed tehnoloogiad lambakasvatuses
Kättesaadav alates
Virkus, Marwin Joseph
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Eesti Maaülikool
Bakalaureusetöös on toodud ülevaade enimkasutatavatest tehnoloogiatest, mida
lambakasvatajad on hakanud viimastel aastatel suuremal või vähemal määral kasutama.
Lambakasvatajatel puudub selge ülevaade erinevatest tehnoloogiatest ning nende
kasutusest. Ülevaate koostamiseks uurisin erinevaid kirjandusallikaid ja ettevõtete
veebilehti, mis pakuvad lammastele mõeldud nutikaid seadmeid ja tehnoloogiaid. Kõige
olulisem on EID kõrvamärkide tehnoloogia, mille abil saab lihtsalt lambaid tuvastada ning
koguda nende kohta erinevaid andmeid.
The aim of this Bachelor`s thesis was to create overview of the most used technologies that sheep breeders may use in their farming systems. Sheep breeders do not have clear overview of different technologies as many smart technologies have been developed so recently and they do not know either how to use those devices. To compile the review, I studied various literature references and websites of companies that offer a number of equipment for sheep farmers. The most important technology is EID ear tag technology, because it gives information to the other devices and makes identification easier and due that it makes possible to record many production data from various devices.
The aim of this Bachelor`s thesis was to create overview of the most used technologies that sheep breeders may use in their farming systems. Sheep breeders do not have clear overview of different technologies as many smart technologies have been developed so recently and they do not know either how to use those devices. To compile the review, I studied various literature references and websites of companies that offer a number of equipment for sheep farmers. The most important technology is EID ear tag technology, because it gives information to the other devices and makes identification easier and due that it makes possible to record many production data from various devices.
Loomakasvatuse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, lambakasvatus, tehnoloogia, EID