Cytological endometritis in dairy cows: diagnostics, effects on fertility, and associations with metabolic stress
dc.contributor.advisor | Valdmann, Andres | | | Valdmann, Merle | |
dc.contributor.department | Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences | eng |
dc.contributor.other | Opsomer, Geert (opponent) | | | 2023-07-10T13:14:37Z | | | 2023-07-10T13:14:37Z | | | 2023-08-22 | | | 2023 | |
dc.description | A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Science. | eng |
dc.description | Väitekiri filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks loomaarstiteaduse erialal. | est |
dc.description.abstract | Dairy cow fertility and longevity are major concerns. A high prevalence of calving-related disorders and clinical diseases (DIS) in dairy herds is not unusual. One and a half months after parturition, approximately 30% of cows experience uterine inflammation, characterised by an increased proportion of white blood cells, more specifically polymorphonuclear neutrophils in the uterine lumen—a disease termed cytological endometritis (CYTO). CYTO is associated with a decreased conception rate and higher culling risk. In this thesis, we improved tools for CYTO diagnosis by developing an innovative device that allows the collection of uncontaminated uterine smear samples for cytological and microbiomic investigations. We studied the influence of CYTO on the fertility and culling of clinically healthy and unhealthy dairy cows and investigated the associations of metabolic stress during the periparturient period with the development of CYTO. We found that CYTO-positive health status, irrespective of DIS status, decreased the pregnancy rate and increased the culling risk. When DIS-positive and CYTO-positive health statuses were combined, they had an additive negative effect. This finding led us to conclude that the variation in the effects of clinical disease on reproduction can at least partly be explained by the occurrence of CYTO. Multiparous dairy cows were at greater risk of experiencing CYTO diagnosed at 40 days after calving if they showed low plasma insulin-like growth factor-1 concentrations at two weeks prepartum and/or at one week postpartum. In addition, a low precalving body condition score and DIS were associated with the development of a positive CYTO status. Practical advice to farmers would be to aim to minimise metabolic stress during the periparturient period to support dairy cow fertility. In dairy herds with fertility problems, special attention needs to be paid to the occurrence of CYTO, both in DIS-positive and clinically healthy cows | eng |
dc.description.abstract | Piimalehmade halb sigimisvõime ja karjast praakimine on suur probleem. Kliiniliste haiguste kõrge esinemus piimakarjades on tavaline. Poolteist kuud pärast poegimist tekib ligikaudu 30%-l lehmadest emakapõletik, mida iseloomustab valgete vereliblede, täpsemalt polümorftuumsete neutrofiilide osakaalu suurenemine emakavalendikus – haigus, mida nimetatakse tsütoloogiliseks endometriidiks (tsüto). Tsütot seostatakse tiinestumise vähenemisega ja karjast sundpraakimise suurenemisega. Tsüto diagnoosimise standardiseerimiseks töötati välja seade, mis võimaldab lehma emakast koguda saastumata materjali tsütoloogiliste ja mikrobioomiliste uuringute tarvis. Selgitati tsüto mõju lehmade sigivusele ja praakimisele ning uuriti metaboolse stressi seoseid tsüto tekkega. Leiti, et sõltumata kliiniliste haiguste olemasolust vähendas tsüto lehmade tiinestumist ja suurendas praakimisriski. Kliiniliste haiguste ja tsüto kombineerumisel lisandus aditiivne negatiivne mõju. See leid viis järelduseni, et üleminekuperioodi probleemide ja haiguste kaugeleulatuvat negatiivset mõju tiinestumisele ja karjas püsimisele on vähemalt osaliselt võimalik selgitada tsüto olemasoluga. Korduvpoeginud lehmadel oli tsüto tekke suurem risk 40. poegimisjärgsel päeval, kui neil oli vereplasmas metaboolset stressi peegeldava hormooni insuliinisarnase kasvufaktori-1 sisaldus madal juba kaks nädalat enne poegimist ja/või üks nädal pärast poegimist. Lisaks suurendasid tsütosse haigestumise riski looma poegimiseelne alatoitumus ning poegimisega seotud häired ja haigused. Praktiline nõuanne loomakasvatajatele oleks piimalehmade sigivuse parandamiseks püüda üleminekuperioodil minimeerida metaboolset stressi ja vältida poegimiseelset alatoitumust ning seeläbi vähendata tsütosse haigestumise riski. Sigimisprobleemidega karjades tuleks erilist tähelepanu pöörata tsüto esinemusele, seda nii poegimisega seotud häirete ja/või kliiniliste haigustega lehmadel kui ka kliiniliselt tervetel loomadel. | est |
dc.identifier.isbn | 978-9916-719-16-9 | |
dc.identifier.issn | 2382-7076 | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.publisher | Estonian University of Life Sciences | eng |
dc.relation.ispartofseries | Doctoral Theses of the Estonian University of Life Sciences | emg |
dc.relation.ispartofseries | Eesti Maaülikooli doktoritööd | est |
dc.rights | © Merle Valdmann, 2023 | |
dc.rights | info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess | eng |
dc.rights.uri | | est |
dc.subject | dissertations | eng |
dc.subject | dissertatsioonid | est |
dc.subject | lehmad | est |
dc.subject | endometriit | est |
dc.subject | paljunemine | est |
dc.subject | veterinaardiagnostika | est |
dc.subject | tsütodiagnostika | est |
dc.subject | cows | eng |
dc.subject | endometritis | eng |
dc.subject | reproduction (biol.) | eng |
dc.subject | veterinary diagnosis | eng |
dc.subject | cytodiagnosis | eng |
dc.title | Cytological endometritis in dairy cows: diagnostics, effects on fertility, and associations with metabolic stress | eng |
dc.title.alternative | Tsütoloogiline endometriit piimalehmadel: diagnoosimine, mõju sigivusele ja praakimisele ning seosed metaboolse stressiga | est |
dc.type | info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis | eng |
dc.type.qualificationname | PhD |
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