Erivanuseliste siirdesoomännikute kasvuanalüüs
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Pihlapuu, Malin
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Käesolev töö uurib kuivendamata, erivanuselisi siirdesoomännikuid. Algandmed töö
koostamiseks saadi välimõõtmistel, mis toimusid 2013. aasta septembris ja oktoobris.
Uuriti kahte puistut, uuritavate objektide pindala on kokku 3 ha. Mõlemad puistud on
tekkinud loodusliku uuenemise tulemusena ja kasvuajal pole tehtud ühtegi
metsamajanduslikku tööd.
Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on hinnata küpse siirdesoomänniku
takseerparameetreid ja männinoorendiku puhul uue metsapõlvkonna teket ning
prognoosida puistute edasist arengut ja anda metsamajanduslikke soovitusi.
Antud uurimustöös selgus, et kuivendamata siirdesoo raiesmik uueneb looduslikult väga
hästi männiga, kui on soodsad tingimused seemnete idanemisks ja taimede kasvuks. Kase
uuenduse teke oli samuti hea, kuid soodustada tuleks siiski okaspuu kasvu. Turba
sügavuse mõju oli suur männi arvukusele ja kase kõrguskasvule. Sügavama turbaga
mõõtmispunktides oli mändide arvukus suurem, kaskede kõrgus vähenes turba sügavuse
kasvades aga märkimisväärselt. Väga hea loodusliku uuenduse tekke põhjuseks võib siin
pidada turbasabla olemasolu ning ümbritsevaid seemnekandelisi männikuid. Küpse puistu
tagavaraks saadi 182 tm/ha ja täiuseks 1,23. Nagu noorendikus, kasvasid ka küpses puistus
kõrgemad puud sügavama turbaga alal.
Looduslikus seisundis siirdesoid on vähe uuritud ja võrdlusmaterjali käesolevale tööle
pole või see ei ole kättesaadav. Töö näitab, et ka kuivendamata ja majanduslikult
sekkumata võib siirdesoo kasvukohatüübis saada puistu kasvus rahuldavaid tulemusi, kui
põhieesmärgiks pole suur majanduslik kasu.
The current paper is researching non drained, transitional bog pine stands of varied age. Raw data for the compilation of the work were obtained from the field measurements, which were carried out in september and october in 2013. Two stands were examined, the total area of the stands is 3 hectares. Both of the stands were incurred as a result of natural regeneration and at the time of the growth there were no forest manage measurements carried out. The objective of the current bachelor's thesis is to assess the mature transitional bog pine stand parameters and in case of young stand to assess the emergence of new forest generation and also to predict the future development of the stands and give forest management recommendations. In this thesis it revealed that non drained transitional bog clearings regenerate very well with pine trees, if there are favorable conditions for seed germination and plant growth. Emergence of birch regeneration was also good, but we should still favor the growth of coniferous trees. The depth of the peat had a large impact to the population level of pines and the height growth of birches. In the deeper peat measurement points the population level of pine trees were greater, the height of birches decreased significantly when the depth of the peat increased. The cause of very good natural regeneration may be the existence of peat moss and surrounding seminal pine trees. The mature stand stock is 182 cubic meters per hectare and forest fullness 1,23. As well as in young stand, also in mature stand the higher pine trees are growing in deeper peat. Transitional bogs in natural conditions has been slightly researched and there is no reference material to the current paper or it is not available. The thesis shows that, it is possible to obtain satisfying results in stand growth at transient marsh growth areas without interfering with the drainage and economically if the priority is not great economic gain.
The current paper is researching non drained, transitional bog pine stands of varied age. Raw data for the compilation of the work were obtained from the field measurements, which were carried out in september and october in 2013. Two stands were examined, the total area of the stands is 3 hectares. Both of the stands were incurred as a result of natural regeneration and at the time of the growth there were no forest manage measurements carried out. The objective of the current bachelor's thesis is to assess the mature transitional bog pine stand parameters and in case of young stand to assess the emergence of new forest generation and also to predict the future development of the stands and give forest management recommendations. In this thesis it revealed that non drained transitional bog clearings regenerate very well with pine trees, if there are favorable conditions for seed germination and plant growth. Emergence of birch regeneration was also good, but we should still favor the growth of coniferous trees. The depth of the peat had a large impact to the population level of pines and the height growth of birches. In the deeper peat measurement points the population level of pine trees were greater, the height of birches decreased significantly when the depth of the peat increased. The cause of very good natural regeneration may be the existence of peat moss and surrounding seminal pine trees. The mature stand stock is 182 cubic meters per hectare and forest fullness 1,23. As well as in young stand, also in mature stand the higher pine trees are growing in deeper peat. Transitional bogs in natural conditions has been slightly researched and there is no reference material to the current paper or it is not available. The thesis shows that, it is possible to obtain satisfying results in stand growth at transient marsh growth areas without interfering with the drainage and economically if the priority is not great economic gain.