2 G Baltic Company OÜ müüginäitajate muutus dumpinguvastase tollimaksu kehtestamise järel
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2018. aastal kehtestas Euroopa Liidu dumpinguvastase tollimaksu Hiina Rahvavabariigis
toodetud veoautorehvidele. Tollimaksu kehtestamisel analüüsiti mõju tootjatele, kuid
mõju analüüs edasimüüjatele ning lõpptarbijatele on tegemata. Bakalaureuse töö eesmärk
on hinnata 2018. aastal toimunud muutusi 2 G Baltic Company müügitulemustes ning
Töö teoreetilises osas antakse ülevaade ettevõtte müügitulemusi mõjutavatest
makromajanduslikest teguritest ning tollimaksude kasutamistest ning finantsanalüüsi
vajalikkusest ja selle meetoditest. Empiirilises osas teostatakse 2 G Baltic Company OÜ
horisontaal- ja vertikaalanalüüs aastatel 2013-2018. Samuti teostatakse suhtarvude
analüüs bilansi ja kasumiaruande alusel. Samuti uuritakse ettevõtte müüginäitajaid
aastatel 2017-2018.Töö koostamiseks kasutati erialaseid raamatuid, Statistikaameti
andmeid, ettevõtete majandusaasta aruandeid ning müügidokumentatsiooni. Analüüs
teostati kvantitatiivsel meetodil.
Analüüsi käigus selgus, et uuritava perioodi jooksul olid ettevõtte majandustulemused
stabiilsed, ning näidates 2018. aastal finantsnäitajate kasvu. Ettevõtte müügistruktuuri
analüüs näitas perioodil 2017-2018 olulisi muutusi. Kasvas rehvide müük, käive ning
kasumimarginaal. Samas toimusid olulised muutused rehvimüügi struktuuris.
In 2018, the European Union imposed an anti-dumping duty on truck tires produced in the People's Republic of China. The effect of the duty was analyzed on manufacturers, but analysis of the dealers and the end users was not done. The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to evaluate the changes in the sales results and financial indicators of 2 G Baltic Company LLC in 2018. The theoretical part of this paper gives an overview of the macroeconomic factors affecting the company's sales results, the use of customs duties and overview of the necessity of financial analysis and its methods. The empirical part conducts financial analysis for 2 G Baltic Company LLC in 2013-2018 period. The analysis of ratios is based on the balance sheet and the income statement. Sales figures of the company in 2017-2018 will also be examined. The analysis was performed by quantitative method. The analysis revealed that the company's financial results were stable during the period under review, showing the growth of financial indicators in 2018. Analysis of the company's sales structure showed significant changes in 2017-2018 period. Tire sales, turnover and profit margin grew, at the same time there were significant changes in the tire sales structure.
In 2018, the European Union imposed an anti-dumping duty on truck tires produced in the People's Republic of China. The effect of the duty was analyzed on manufacturers, but analysis of the dealers and the end users was not done. The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to evaluate the changes in the sales results and financial indicators of 2 G Baltic Company LLC in 2018. The theoretical part of this paper gives an overview of the macroeconomic factors affecting the company's sales results, the use of customs duties and overview of the necessity of financial analysis and its methods. The empirical part conducts financial analysis for 2 G Baltic Company LLC in 2013-2018 period. The analysis of ratios is based on the balance sheet and the income statement. Sales figures of the company in 2017-2018 will also be examined. The analysis was performed by quantitative method. The analysis revealed that the company's financial results were stable during the period under review, showing the growth of financial indicators in 2018. Analysis of the company's sales structure showed significant changes in 2017-2018 period. Tire sales, turnover and profit margin grew, at the same time there were significant changes in the tire sales structure.
Maamajandusliku ettevõtluse ja finantsjuhtimise õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, majandustulemused, tollimaksud