Õppeaine " Nõrkvoolusüsteemid " laboratoorsete tööde juhendid
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Eesti Maaülikool
Käesoleva lõputöö vajadus lähtus Eesti Maaülikooli õppekava muutmisest ja sinna uue
õppeaine, Nõrkvoolusüsteemid, lisamisest. Sellest tulenevalt tekkis vajadus välja töötada
teoreetilisi õpinguid toetavad laboratoorsete tööde juhendid. Töö käigus tutvuti
videovalvesüsteemide valdkonna kohta käiva kirjandusega ning tuvastati probleemkohad
millega süsteemi projekteerimisel tuleb kokku puutuda. Töö põhieesmärgi täitmise osas
töötati välja tuvastatud probleemkohtasid arvesse võttes kolm laboratoorse töö juhendit
mis toetavad tudengitel teooriatundides õpitu mõistmist. Samuti kirjeldatakse laboratoorse
töö koostamise metoodika osas kuidas laboratoorse töö juhend ning aruanne peavad
koostatud olema ning millistel alustel toimub töö tulemuse hindamine.
The necessity of this thesis is based on the change of the curriculum of the Estonian University of Life Sciences and the addition of a new subject, Low Current course. As a result a need for guidelines for laboratory experiments arose to support theoretical studies. For this reason the Video surveillance systems were familiarized with to identify probleem areas for which the guidelines for laboratory experiment were created, to support theoretical studies and highlight the areas which must be considered while designing Video surveillance systems. In regard of fulfillment of the main objective, three laboratory experiment guidelines were greated based on identified problem areas to support students with understandig of what they have learned in theory lessons.. Also in this thesis methodology of how a laboratory experiment guidelines and reports should look like and also how the result should be evaluated.
The necessity of this thesis is based on the change of the curriculum of the Estonian University of Life Sciences and the addition of a new subject, Low Current course. As a result a need for guidelines for laboratory experiments arose to support theoretical studies. For this reason the Video surveillance systems were familiarized with to identify probleem areas for which the guidelines for laboratory experiment were created, to support theoretical studies and highlight the areas which must be considered while designing Video surveillance systems. In regard of fulfillment of the main objective, three laboratory experiment guidelines were greated based on identified problem areas to support students with understandig of what they have learned in theory lessons.. Also in this thesis methodology of how a laboratory experiment guidelines and reports should look like and also how the result should be evaluated.
Tehnika ja tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, nõrkvool, videovalve, DORI, ribalaius