Turismiteenuse kvaliteedi analüüs Seto Man Puhkekeskuse näitel
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Kuna ettevõtte edukust mõjutab otseselt pakutava toote või teenuse kvaliteet, on müügikäibe maksimeerimiseks ning jätkusuutlikuks toimimiseks ülioluline teha kindlaks kvaliteedi tase. Kui ettevõte teenib prognoositust ning suutlikkusest oluliselt vähem, on üks valdkond, mida uurida, kindlasti toote või teenuse kvaliteet. Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on välja selgitada Seto Man Puhkekeskuse teenuse kvaliteet. Selleks koostati puhkekeskuse klientidele tagasisideankeet ning analüüsiti selle kvaliteeti SERVQUAL mudeli ja NPS indeksi alusel. SERVQUAL mudeli põhjal leiti, millised on klientide ootused puhkekeskusesse tulles ning millised valdkonnad vajaksid teenuse kvaliteedi tõstmiseks parendustöid. Soovitusindeksi põhjal analüüsiti klientide lojaalsust ehk rahulolu antud ettevõtte teenusega. Andmete analüüsiks kasutati keskmiste võrdlusi, sagedusi ja protsentjaotusi. Seto Man Puhkekeskuse rahuloluskoor on 43,75%. Kuigi enamik faktorite vahel olid positiivsed tulemused, leiti töö käigus mõningad valdkonnad, mida kindlasti parendada tuleks. Kõige kõrgemad lõhed klientide ootuste ja kogemuste vahel tekkisid tubade puhtuse, mugavuse ja projekteerituse aspektidest. Klientide hinnangul võiksid toad olla projekteeritud rohkem arvesse võttes nende vajadusi ja mugavusi. Lisaks sooviksid külastajad, et ettevõtte koduleht oleks informatiivsem ning lihtsamini leitav. Kõige vähem olid oma kogemusega rahul kõrvalmaja kliendid (NPS 12,50%), mistõttu vajab just see hoone edasisi investeeringuid. Kõige rahulolematum vanusegrupp oli 18-30-aastased, mistõttu tuleb puhkekeskusel analüüsida, kuidas oleks võimalik rahuldada ka noorte inimeste vajadusi ja ootusi. Selleks et Seto Man Puhkekeskus oleks ka tulevikus jätkusuutlik ning saaks klientidele pakkuda kõrge kvaliteediga turismiteenust, tuleks esiti püüda parandada neid valdkondi, mis klientide hinnangul praegu puudulikud on. Samuti oleks soovitatav välja töötada tagasisidesüsteem, et omada katkematut ülevaadet klientide soovidest ja vajadustest ning luua teadlikumad tingimused turismikvaliteedi tõstmiseks.
Since the success of a company is driven by the quality of the product or service it provides, it is crucial for sales turnover and sustainability to determine the quality. If a company is earning significantly less than expected, one area that should be examined is definitely the quality of the product or service. The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is to determine the quality of the services of the Seto Man Puhkekeskus. For this purpose, a feedback questionnaire was prepared for Seto Man Puhkekeskus’ clients and its quality was analyzed based on the SERVQUAL model and NPS index. Based on the SERVQUAL model, it was found what the customers' expectations are when they come to resort and which areas would need improvement to better the quality of the service. Customer loyalty, or satisfaction with the company, was analyzed based on the Net Promoter Score. Comparisons of means, frequencies and percentage distributions were used for data analysis. The satisfaction score of the Seto Man Puhkekeskus is 43.75%. Although most of the factors had a positive result, some areas that should definitely be improved were found during the thesis. The highest gaps occurred between the expectations and experiences of the customers in the aspects of cleanliness, comfort and design of the rooms. According to customers, the rooms should be designed according to their needs and comforts. In addition, visitors would like the company's website to be more informative and easier to find. The customers of the building next door were the least satisfied with their experience (NPS 12.50%), which is why this particular building needs further investments. The most dissatisfied age group was 18-30 years old, so the resort needs to analyze how it would be possible to satisfy the needs and expectations of young people as well. In order for Seto Man Puhkekeskus to be sustainable in the future and to be able to offer customers high-quality tourist services, efforts should be made to improve those areas, which according to customers are currently lacking. It would also be advisable to develop a feedback system in the future to keep an eye on those areas that need improvement.
Since the success of a company is driven by the quality of the product or service it provides, it is crucial for sales turnover and sustainability to determine the quality. If a company is earning significantly less than expected, one area that should be examined is definitely the quality of the product or service. The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is to determine the quality of the services of the Seto Man Puhkekeskus. For this purpose, a feedback questionnaire was prepared for Seto Man Puhkekeskus’ clients and its quality was analyzed based on the SERVQUAL model and NPS index. Based on the SERVQUAL model, it was found what the customers' expectations are when they come to resort and which areas would need improvement to better the quality of the service. Customer loyalty, or satisfaction with the company, was analyzed based on the Net Promoter Score. Comparisons of means, frequencies and percentage distributions were used for data analysis. The satisfaction score of the Seto Man Puhkekeskus is 43.75%. Although most of the factors had a positive result, some areas that should definitely be improved were found during the thesis. The highest gaps occurred between the expectations and experiences of the customers in the aspects of cleanliness, comfort and design of the rooms. According to customers, the rooms should be designed according to their needs and comforts. In addition, visitors would like the company's website to be more informative and easier to find. The customers of the building next door were the least satisfied with their experience (NPS 12.50%), which is why this particular building needs further investments. The most dissatisfied age group was 18-30 years old, so the resort needs to analyze how it would be possible to satisfy the needs and expectations of young people as well. In order for Seto Man Puhkekeskus to be sustainable in the future and to be able to offer customers high-quality tourist services, efforts should be made to improve those areas, which according to customers are currently lacking. It would also be advisable to develop a feedback system in the future to keep an eye on those areas that need improvement.
Maamajandusliku ettevõtluse ja finantsjuhtimise õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, kvaliteedianalüüs, SERVQUAL mudel, soovitusindeks, maaturism