Veinisordid ja veinitootmine Eestis
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Eesti Maaülikool
Eesti kuulub aastast 2021 ametlikult põhjapoolseimasse viinamarjakasvatusvööndisesse A. Sellega seoses on seaduse poolt reglementeeritud, et veiniks võib nimetada ainult värskete, purustatud või purustamata viinamarjade või viinamarjavirde täielikul või osalisel käärimisel saadud jooki. Veini tootmisel tunnustatakse üksnes Vitis vinifera ja muude Vitis liikide ristandite vilju, kui sugupuus on esindatud liik Vitis vinifera . Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärkideks on välja selgitada Eesti istandikes kasvatatavad veinisordid ja nende vastavus nõuetele ning millistest sortidest veine tehakse.
Eestis tootmisistandikes kasvavad viinapuude sordid vastavad Euroopa Liidu viinamarjakasvatuse vööndis A kehtivatele nõuetele vastavalt nende sugupuule. Istandikes kasvatatakse käesoleval ajal 15 erinevat sorti. Tumedad viinamarjasordid on ´Rondo´, ´Zilga´, ´Hasansky Sladky´, ´Frühburgunder´, ´Regent´, ´Leon Millot´, ´Cabernet Noir´, ´Cabernet Cortis´, ´Kerner´ ja ´Marquette´. Heledad viinamarjasordid on ´Solaris´, ´Müller-Thurgau´, ´Sauvignon Gris’, ´Riesling’ ja ´Bacchus´. Levinuim sort istandikes ja veinitootmisel on liigi Vitis vinifera hele sort ´Solaris´, millest toodetakse valget veini. Tumedatest sortidest on levinuim ´Rondo´ ja ´Regent´ millest toodetakse nii punast kui roosat veini. Hübriidsortidest on levinuimad ´Hasansky Sladky´ ja ´Zilga´, millest toodetakse punast ja roosat veini. Viimasel kolmel aastal on igal aastal (2021-2023) registreeritud 11 tootja poolt alkoholiregistris 11-15 veini ja ka mõned vahuveinid. Kogutoodang oli 2022. aastal 5872 liitrit veini.
Since 2021, Estonia has been officially included in the northernmost viticulture zone A. In this regard, it is regulated by law that only fresh, crushed or uncrushed grapes or a drink obtained from the complete or partial fermentasion of grape can be called wine. Only the grapes of Vitis vinifera and hybrids of other Vitis species are recognized for wine production. The objectives of this thesis are to identify the grape cultivars in Estonian vineyards, their compliance with the requirements, and which cultivars are used to make wines. The grapevine cultivars grown in Estonian vineyards meet the requirements set in the European Union's viticulture zone A according to their pedigree. Currently, 15 different cultivars are grown in the vineyards. Dark-skinned cultivars include 'Rondo', 'Zilga', 'Hasansky Sladky', 'Frühburgunder', 'Regent', 'Leon Millot', 'Cabernet Noir', 'Cabernet Cortis', 'Kerner', and 'Marquette'. Light-skinned grape cultivars are 'Solaris', 'Müller-Thurgau', 'Sauvignon Gris', 'Riesling', and 'Bacchus'. The most common cultivar in vineyards and wine production is the light-skinned Vitis vinifera cultivar 'Solaris', which is used to produce white wine. Among dark cultivars 'Rondo' and 'Regent' are the most common, which are used to produce both red and rosé wine. Among hybrid cultivars, 'Hasansky Sladky' and 'Zilga' are the most common, producing red wine. Each year (2021-2023), 11 producers have registered 11-15 wines and a few sparkling wines in the alcohol register. The total production in 2022 was 5 872 liters of wine.
Since 2021, Estonia has been officially included in the northernmost viticulture zone A. In this regard, it is regulated by law that only fresh, crushed or uncrushed grapes or a drink obtained from the complete or partial fermentasion of grape can be called wine. Only the grapes of Vitis vinifera and hybrids of other Vitis species are recognized for wine production. The objectives of this thesis are to identify the grape cultivars in Estonian vineyards, their compliance with the requirements, and which cultivars are used to make wines. The grapevine cultivars grown in Estonian vineyards meet the requirements set in the European Union's viticulture zone A according to their pedigree. Currently, 15 different cultivars are grown in the vineyards. Dark-skinned cultivars include 'Rondo', 'Zilga', 'Hasansky Sladky', 'Frühburgunder', 'Regent', 'Leon Millot', 'Cabernet Noir', 'Cabernet Cortis', 'Kerner', and 'Marquette'. Light-skinned grape cultivars are 'Solaris', 'Müller-Thurgau', 'Sauvignon Gris', 'Riesling', and 'Bacchus'. The most common cultivar in vineyards and wine production is the light-skinned Vitis vinifera cultivar 'Solaris', which is used to produce white wine. Among dark cultivars 'Rondo' and 'Regent' are the most common, which are used to produce both red and rosé wine. Among hybrid cultivars, 'Hasansky Sladky' and 'Zilga' are the most common, producing red wine. Each year (2021-2023), 11 producers have registered 11-15 wines and a few sparkling wines in the alcohol register. The total production in 2022 was 5 872 liters of wine.
Aianduse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, viinapuu, viinamarjad, viinamarjakasvatusvöönd A, hübriidsordid