Aiandusega tegelevate ettevõtete maakasutuse uurimus
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Põldma, Grete Eliise
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Eesti Maaülikool
Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on anda ülevaade Eestis köögiviljakasvatusega
tegelevate aiandusettevõtete maakasutusest, kes taotlesid keskkonnasõbraliku
köögiviljakasvatuse toetust 2022. aastal üle 10 hektari suurusele pindalale.
Uurimistöös on kasutatud Põllumajanduse Registrite ja Informatsiooni Ameti ja MaaAmeti Geoportaali andmeid kogu Eesti lõikes. Valimisse jäeti 18 suurimat
köögiviljakasvatusega tegelevat aiandusettevõtet, kelle maakasutust eraldi analüüsiti.
Maakasutuste ruumiliste omaduste hindamiseks arvutati Januszewski ja Schmooki
koefitsiendid. Januszewski koefitsient näitab ära maakasutuse killustatuse ja Schmooki
koefitsient hajutatuse. Arvutatud koefitsientide väärtuste põhjal saab väita, et mida suurem
on ettevõtte kogupindala seda suurem on ka tema killustatus ja hajutatus.
Ettevõtete kogupindalad on väga suure varieeruvusega. Valimisse jäänud
aiandusettevõtete keskmine pindala on 192 hektarit ja põllumassiivide keskmine pindala
8,45 hektarit.
Kuigi uuriti aiandusettevõtteid, siis ligikaudu 20% kõikide ettevõtete kogupindalast
kasvatatakse köögivilja. Kõige rohkem kasvatatakse erinevaid põllukultuure, mis hõlmab
52% kogupindalast. Nendeks põllukultuurideks on põhiliselt teraviljad.
Tulemuste põhjal võib väita, et Eesti köögiviljakasvatusega tegelevad aiandusettevõtete
maakasutus on tugevalt killustunud ja põllumassiivid asuvad hajutatult. Põhjuseks on
uuritud maakasutustes asjaolu, et põllumassiivid on väikesed, asuvad üksteisest kaugel
ning nende vahel on palju teiste maakasutajate põllumassiive.
The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to provide an overview of the land use of horticultural companies engaged in vegetable cultivation in Estonia, which applied for support for environmentally friendly vegetable cultivation in 2022 for an area of more than 10 hectares. The databases of the Agricultural Registers and Information Board and the Geoportal of the Land Board across the whole of Estonia has been used to obtain necessary data. 18 large vegetable growing horticultural companies were included in the sample, and their land use was analysed separately. Januszewski's and Schmook's indexes were calculated for the spatial evaluation of rural institutions. The Januszewski index indicates the fragmentation of land use, and the Schmook index indicates the scattering. Based on the values of the calculated indexes, it can be stated that the larger the total area of the company, the greater its fragmentation and dispersion. The total areas of the companies were highly variable. The average area of the horticultural companies included in the sample was 192 hectares, and the average area of the agricultural fields was 8.45 hectares. Although the companies studied were identified as horticultural enterprises, vegetables covered only about 20% of the total cultivated area. Field crops, mainly grain, were cultivated in 52% of the total area. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the land use of horticultural enterprises engaged in vegetable growing in Estonia is highly fragmented and the agricultural fields are scattered. The reasons are following: the agricultural fields are small, are locating far from each other and there are many agricultural fields of other land users between them.
The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to provide an overview of the land use of horticultural companies engaged in vegetable cultivation in Estonia, which applied for support for environmentally friendly vegetable cultivation in 2022 for an area of more than 10 hectares. The databases of the Agricultural Registers and Information Board and the Geoportal of the Land Board across the whole of Estonia has been used to obtain necessary data. 18 large vegetable growing horticultural companies were included in the sample, and their land use was analysed separately. Januszewski's and Schmook's indexes were calculated for the spatial evaluation of rural institutions. The Januszewski index indicates the fragmentation of land use, and the Schmook index indicates the scattering. Based on the values of the calculated indexes, it can be stated that the larger the total area of the company, the greater its fragmentation and dispersion. The total areas of the companies were highly variable. The average area of the horticultural companies included in the sample was 192 hectares, and the average area of the agricultural fields was 8.45 hectares. Although the companies studied were identified as horticultural enterprises, vegetables covered only about 20% of the total cultivated area. Field crops, mainly grain, were cultivated in 52% of the total area. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the land use of horticultural enterprises engaged in vegetable growing in Estonia is highly fragmented and the agricultural fields are scattered. The reasons are following: the agricultural fields are small, are locating far from each other and there are many agricultural fields of other land users between them.
Geodeesia, kinnisvara- ja maakorralduse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, Januszewski koefitsient, Schmooki koefitsient, maa killustatus, maakasutuse ruumilised omadused