Amino acid content in rice and lentil meal for vegan and pescatarian diet
Kättesaadav alates
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
Estonian University of Life Sciences
Combining different raw materials, it is possible to increase plant-based protein
functionality. Traditionally lentils are combined with rice. As rice complements lentils in sulphurcontaining amino acids this plant-based combination provides a complete profile of essential
amino acids. The aim of this study was to compare amino acid content and scoring pattern in
vegan and pescatarian quick preparation meals and analyse developed meal suitability for a vegan
diet containing all needed amino acids. Results show that vegan and pescatarian quick preparation
meals contain all essential amino acids at adequate amounts according to FAO`s
recommendation, results showed no significant difference between samples (p > 0.05). These
results show that combining rice and lentils it is possible to develop a meal suitable for a vegan
diet that contains all needed amino acids.
Received: December 2nd, 2021 ; Accepted: March 16th, 2022 ; Published: April 27th, 2022 ; Correspondence:
essential amino acids, lentils, pescatarian, rice, vegan, articles