Tarbijate hinnangud ja hoiakud Private label toodete suhtes Eesti Maaülikooli üliõpilaste näitel
dc.contributor.advisor | Uiboleht, Kaire | |
dc.contributor.author | Tähemaa, Maris | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2013-06-08T10:44:18Z | |
dc.date.available | 2013-06-08T10:44:18Z | |
dc.date.defensed | 2013-06-13 | |
dc.date.issued | 2013 | |
dc.description.abstract | Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärk oli uurida Eesti Maaülikooli üliõpilaste hinnanguid ja hoiakuid private label toodete suhtes. Töö koostamiseks kasutati esmaseid andmeid, mis koguti struktureeritud ankeetküsimustiku teel ning saadud andmed kajastati statistiliselt kirjeldava analüüsina. Tunnuste omavahelise seose hindamiseks teostati korrelatsioonanalüüs ning tuginedes jaotusanalüüsi tulemustele kasutati erinevate vastajagruppide vahel võrdlevat analüüsi, mille keskmiste statistiliselt olulist erinevust hinnati t-test analüüsiga. Läbiviidud uuringust selgus, et tarbijatel on erinevad hinnangud private label toodete omadustele erinevate tootekategooriate lõikes ning seetõttu tarbitakse omamärgitooteid ka grupiti erinevalt. Samuti on tarbijatel hoiak, et private label toodete olemasolu pole oluline kõigis tootekategooriates ning teatud toodete puhul eelistatakse osta kallimat tootjabrändi, mis inimeste arvamuse kohaselt rahuldab paremini tarbija vajadusi tänu kõrgemale kvaliteedile. Uuringu tulemusena võib väita, et tarbijate hinnangul on private label toodete peamine ostuargument soodsam hind ning omamärgitoote kättesaadavus loob alternatiivi säästmaks raha. Samuti on tarbijad seisukohal, et private label toodete puhul pole alati oluline kodumaine päritolu, kuid tarbijate jaoks on oluline omada ülevaadet tootjast. Paraku puudub paljudel omamärgitoodetel vastav informatsioon ning teadmatus tootja päritolust tekitab tarbijates umbusaldust private label toodete suhtes. Autor on seisukohal, et parema ülevaate omamine tarbijate hoiakutest ja hinnangutest private label toodete suhtes annab eelise nii jaemüüjatele kui ka konkureerivatele tootmisettevõtetele. Mõlema osapoole eesmärk on rahuldada tarbijate vajadusi ning sellest tulenevalt on oluline mõista inimeste hoiakuid, kellele tooted on suunatud. Samuti tuleks tõsta tarbijate teadlikkust omamärgitoodete puhul, kuna antud olukorras esitavad turu osapooled vastakaid arvamusi ajakirjanduse vahendusel ning tarbijatel puudub täielik ülevaade private label toodete olemusest. Teadlikkuse taset mõjutab oluliselt ka asjaolu, et omamärgitoodete päritolu püütakse teatud toodete puhul varjata. Märkide mõistmine pakenditelt eeldab teadlikkust, kuid vastavat informatsiooni pole tarbijatele aktiivselt edastatud. | est |
dc.description.abstract | The purpose of this thesis was to examine the evaluations and attitudes of Estonian University of Life Sciences students towards private label products. In order to analyse the results derived from the questionnaire, the descriptive statistics are being used by the author on this thesis. Also the author has made a correlation analysis to determine the strength of the relationship between factors estimated by consumers, before making the decision of purchase. Based on the research, consumers think it is important to have private label brands in Estonian food market, because they give opportunity to have choices in making purchasing decisions. Consumers have various attitudes in different product categories towards private label products, based on the fact that consumers avoid buying only private label brands. Hence, it is not important to have private label brands in every product category, since consumers prefer manufacturer’s brand in specific categories. The main factor affecting the attitude towards private label brand is perception of product quality that consumers evaluate before buying decisions. A quality perception has a strong relationship with the product price, however in some categories it is related with the appearance of the product. Consumers agree it is not essential that private label brands are produced in Estonia, however they require information about the manufacturer before buying the product. Unfortunately many retailers do not reveal the information about producers, therefore consumers are avoiding to buy the private label brands because of the unreliability. The author of this thesis believes it is important to have a deeper overview of consumer attitudes towards private label brands, because it gives advantages for competing retailers and manufacturers. Both parties aim to satisfy the needs of consumers and it is important to understand what are customers thinking of their products. Also they should increase consumer awareness about private label products, because at the moment it is minority of consumers who are aware of the signs which are revealing the information about producers of private label brands. | eng |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/10492/1305 | |
dc.subject | bakalaureusetööd | est |
dc.title | Tarbijate hinnangud ja hoiakud Private label toodete suhtes Eesti Maaülikooli üliõpilaste näitel | est |
dc.title.alternative | Consumer’s evaluations and attitudes towards private label products – A study of Estonian University of Life Sciences students | eng |
dc.type | Bachelor Thesis | |
rioxxterms.freetoread.startdate | ainult raamatukogus | |
rioxxterms.freetoread.startdate | only in library |
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