Proteiinid taimsest toorainest
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Eesti Maaülikool
Käesoleva töö eesmärgiks oli uurida erinevaid taimseid proteiiniallikaid. Samuti uurida
Eestis üha enam kasvatama hakatud kultuure, põldhernest ja põlduba ning nende kuivaines
sisalduvat proteiini. Töös uuriti erinevaid taimse proteiini allikaid, kuid suurem tähelepanu
oli pööratud Eestis kasvatavatele kaunviljadele põldhernes (Pisum sativum L.) ja põlduba
(Vicia faba L.). Eksperimentaalses osas kasutati Eesti Taimekasvatuse Instituudis
kasvatatavaid põldherne ja põldoa sorte (mõlemast liigist kasutati 3 erinevat sorti) ning
määrati nende kuivaines sisalduv proteiin Kjeldahli meetodit kasutades. Põldherne
proteiinisisaldused kuivaines jäid vahemikku 18,16 – 19,18% vahemikku, erinedes võrreldes
eelnevate uuringutega (20 – 30%) märgatavalt. Katsetes saadud põldoa kuivaine proteiini
sisaldused olid vahemikus 25,77 – 31,87%. Põldoa proteiinisisaldusi uurides ning katsete
tulemustega võrreldes olulist erinevust ei tekkinud, tulemused jäid vahemikku 22 – 36%.
The aim of the thesis was to investigate different sources of plant-based proteins, as well as to study increasingly growing crops in Estonia, field pea and faba bean. Various sources of plant-based proteins were studied, but more attention was paid to pulses crops grown in Estonia, field pea (Pisum sativum L.) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.). In the experimental part random field pea and faba bean seeds (3 different varieties were used for both crops) were used from the Estonian Crop Research Institute. The protein content in the dry matter were determined using the Kjeldahl method. Field pea contained from 18,16% to 19,18% protein in dry matter, the results differed significantly from previous studies (20 – 30%). The results in the experiments showed, that faba bean protein content in dry matter were 25,77 – 31,87%. There was no significant difference between previous studies and results in current experiments. Previous studies have shown that faba bean protein content in dry matter ranged from 22% to 36%.
The aim of the thesis was to investigate different sources of plant-based proteins, as well as to study increasingly growing crops in Estonia, field pea and faba bean. Various sources of plant-based proteins were studied, but more attention was paid to pulses crops grown in Estonia, field pea (Pisum sativum L.) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.). In the experimental part random field pea and faba bean seeds (3 different varieties were used for both crops) were used from the Estonian Crop Research Institute. The protein content in the dry matter were determined using the Kjeldahl method. Field pea contained from 18,16% to 19,18% protein in dry matter, the results differed significantly from previous studies (20 – 30%). The results in the experiments showed, that faba bean protein content in dry matter were 25,77 – 31,87%. There was no significant difference between previous studies and results in current experiments. Previous studies have shown that faba bean protein content in dry matter ranged from 22% to 36%.
Toiduainete tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, taimsed proteiinid, kaunviljad, põldhernes, põlduba