Mobiilne teekatte seisundi määramise seade
Kättesaadav alates
Kört, Vidrik
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Eesti Maaülikool
Üks suurimaid mõjutajaid liiklusõnnetuste tekkimisel on ilm. Selleks, et ennetavalt
avastada ebasoodsaid ilmastikutingimusi ning liiklusõnnetusi vältida, tuleks anda
autojuhtidele võimalus ohtlike tingimuste soodsaks avastamiseks ning hoiatuste saamiseks.
Jää, lumi ja vesi muudavad sõiduki rataste haardetegurit märgatavalt. Seega võiks olla
võimalus teekatte pinnal olevaid teeolusid tuvastada. Magistritöö eesmärgiks oli
konstrueerida seade, mille abil oleks võimalik tuvastada vee, jää ja lume olemasolu
sõiduteel. Seade kuvab vastavalt ilmastikutingimusele haardeteguri ja soovitatava
sõidukiiruse. Töö käigus tehti patendi- ning turul olevate seadmete uuring. Püstitati
probleemi olemus ning uuriti erinevaid mõõtmisvahendeid, millega antud probleemi
lahendada. Töötati välja vajalik lahendus, tehti katsed, analüüsiti tulemusi, programmeeriti
vajalik kood ning koostati prototüüp. Et välja selgitada pidurdusteekond erinevatel
kiirustel, tehti ka arvutused. Järeldustest ning ettepanekutest saab lähtuda töö edasiseks
arenduseks. Seadme parendamiseks on välja pakutud mitu erinevat moodust.
Weather is one of the greatest influencers of traffic accidents. To discover the unfavorable conditions preventively, the drivers should be given a chance to detect the unfavorable conditions andreceive warnings. Ice, snow and water change the wheels friction coefficientconsiderably. The aim of this thesis is to construct a device that allows the discovery of the presence of water, ice and snow on the road. The device displays the friction coefficient according to the weather conditions and suggests a recommended driving speed. In the course of the theoretical part of this thesis, a research was made on the patents and the available devices in the market. The essence of the problem was established and different measuring devices were researched to resolve the given problem. The necessary solution was developed, experiments were made, the required code was programmed and a prototype was put together. In addition, to establish the braking distance on different driving speeds, calculations were made. The further development of the thesis can be emanated from the conclusions and proposals. Several methods to improve the device are suggested.
Weather is one of the greatest influencers of traffic accidents. To discover the unfavorable conditions preventively, the drivers should be given a chance to detect the unfavorable conditions andreceive warnings. Ice, snow and water change the wheels friction coefficientconsiderably. The aim of this thesis is to construct a device that allows the discovery of the presence of water, ice and snow on the road. The device displays the friction coefficient according to the weather conditions and suggests a recommended driving speed. In the course of the theoretical part of this thesis, a research was made on the patents and the available devices in the market. The essence of the problem was established and different measuring devices were researched to resolve the given problem. The necessary solution was developed, experiments were made, the required code was programmed and a prototype was put together. In addition, to establish the braking distance on different driving speeds, calculations were made. The further development of the thesis can be emanated from the conclusions and proposals. Several methods to improve the device are suggested.
Tootmistehnika õppekaval
magistritööd, teekattematerjalid, haardetegur, kontrollerid, andurid