Noorteadlased teadusloost : EMÜ ja ENTA kooskorraldatud teadusloo konverentsi materjalid
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Eesti Noorte Teadlaste Akadeemia
Teaduslugu tegeleb teaduse ajaloo, teadusfilosoofia ning teaduspoliitika uurimisega ning on
Eestis interdistsiplinaarse ja tervikliku teadusalana uus ning arenev valdkond. Teadusloo uurimustöö
arendamiseks korraldas Eesti Maaülikool koostöös Eesti Noorte Teadlaste Akadeemiaga
20. aprillil 2006. a. Tartus teadusloo konverentsi. Selle konverentsi raames toimus ka noorte
teadlaste teadustööde konkurss. Noored teadlased - magistrandid ja doktorandid - olid kutsutud
esitama teadusartikleid järgmistel teemadel:
· loodus- ja keskkonnakaitse ajalugu;
· põllumajandusteaduste ajalugu ja agraarpoliitika (sh maaviljelus ja maaparandus, taimekasvatus,
metsandus, loomakasvatus, veterinaarmeditsiin);
· meditsiini ja veterinaarteaduste ajalugu;
· loodus-, sotsiaal- ja humanitaarteaduste filosoofia (sh eetika), sotsioloogia ja poliitika.
Antud kogumik tutvustab Teadusloo konverentsi materjale: noorte teadlaste, teadusloo konkursi
laureaatide artikleid ning Eesti teadusloo ekspertide arvamusi.
Konverentsi korraldajad tänavad SEB Eesti Ühispanka toetuse eest teadusloo konverentsile ja
noorte teadlaste konkursile. Erki Tammiksaar, Gulnara Roll. Teadusloo Uurimise Keskus, Eesti Maaülikool
Science studies are an interdisciplinary scientific field that deals with scientific investigations in history, philosophy and sociology of sciences as well as science policies. In Estonia science studies is a rather new and developing field of research and higher education. In order to promote this field Estonian University of Life Sciences and Estonian Academy of Young Scientists organised a Young Scientists Conference on Science Studies on 20 April 2006 in Tartu, Estonia. A contest of research papers by young scientists (on the level of Master of Sciences and Ph.D. students) was held prior to the conference and best research papers were presented at the conference. The contest topics included the following: · History of natural and environmental sciences; · History of agricultural sciences and agrarian policy; · History of medicine and veterinary; · Philosophy, sociology and policy of natural and social sciences and arts. This publication presents the research papers by the young scientists’ contest laureates as well as presentations on the science history and policy by senior Estonian experts in science studies. The organizers are grateful to the SEB Eesti Ühispank for the support provided to organisation of the conference and the Young Scientists Contest. Erki Tammiksaar, Gulnara Roll. Centre for Science Studies Estonian University of Life Sciences
Science studies are an interdisciplinary scientific field that deals with scientific investigations in history, philosophy and sociology of sciences as well as science policies. In Estonia science studies is a rather new and developing field of research and higher education. In order to promote this field Estonian University of Life Sciences and Estonian Academy of Young Scientists organised a Young Scientists Conference on Science Studies on 20 April 2006 in Tartu, Estonia. A contest of research papers by young scientists (on the level of Master of Sciences and Ph.D. students) was held prior to the conference and best research papers were presented at the conference. The contest topics included the following: · History of natural and environmental sciences; · History of agricultural sciences and agrarian policy; · History of medicine and veterinary; · Philosophy, sociology and policy of natural and social sciences and arts. This publication presents the research papers by the young scientists’ contest laureates as well as presentations on the science history and policy by senior Estonian experts in science studies. The organizers are grateful to the SEB Eesti Ühispank for the support provided to organisation of the conference and the Young Scientists Contest. Erki Tammiksaar, Gulnara Roll. Centre for Science Studies Estonian University of Life Sciences
teadusajalugu, teadusharud, teadlased, arengusuunad, Eesti, konverentsikogumikud