Ehitamise kvaliteedi ülesehitus, tagamine ja järelevalve selle üle
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Post, Aleks
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Eesti Maaülikool
Ehitusmaastikul mõjutavad valmivate hoonete lõppkvaliteeti projekt ja projekteerijad, tellija, ehitaja, omanikujärelevalve, seadusandlus, standardid ning seadmete ja ehitusmaterjalide paigaldusjuhendid.
Magistritöö uurimisülesanneteks oli uurida, kuidas kujuneb ehitise kvaliteet ning milliseid tegevusi viiakse ehitusettevõtte poolt ehitustööde teostamise ajal läbi selleks, et tagada ehitise nõutav kvaliteet. Lisaks esitas autor hüpoteesi, mis baseerub oletusel, et „ehitusel ei saa alati järgida kõiki kvaliteedistandardeid niivõrd kuivõrd ehitisest lõpp-produktist on igal tellijal oma nägemus“.
Uurimisülesannetele vastuste saamiseks koostas autor küsimustiku, uuris eelnevalt kaitstud magistritöid ning seaduseid ja määruseid.
Magistritööst saab järeldada, et ehitamise kvaliteeti kujundavateks teguriteks on materjalid, tellija, projekteerija ja projekt, peatöövõtja ning järelevalve pädevus. Küsitluse põhjal järeldas autor, et ehituses tõesti ei saa alati järgida kõiki kvaliteedistandardeid, kuna tellijad on erinevad ja igaühel on oma arusaam kvaliteedist.
In the field of construction the final quality of completed buildings is affected by the project and the designers, the customer, the builder, owner’s supervision, legislations, standards and installation instructions for equipment and building materials. The research tasks of the master’s thesis were to study how the quality of building develops and what activities the construction company carries out during the construction in order to ensure the required quality. In addition, the author put forward a hypothesis based on the assumption that „not all quality standards can always be met in construction because every customer has their own vision of the finished product. In order to obtain answers to the research tasks, the author came up with a questionnaire, researched previously defended master’s theses and laws and regulations. It can be concluded from the master’s thesis that the factors shaping the quality of construction are materials, the customer, the designer and the project, the general contractor and the competence of supervisor. Based on the survey, the author concluded that it is not always possible to follow all quality standards because the customers have different understandings of quality.
In the field of construction the final quality of completed buildings is affected by the project and the designers, the customer, the builder, owner’s supervision, legislations, standards and installation instructions for equipment and building materials. The research tasks of the master’s thesis were to study how the quality of building develops and what activities the construction company carries out during the construction in order to ensure the required quality. In addition, the author put forward a hypothesis based on the assumption that „not all quality standards can always be met in construction because every customer has their own vision of the finished product. In order to obtain answers to the research tasks, the author came up with a questionnaire, researched previously defended master’s theses and laws and regulations. It can be concluded from the master’s thesis that the factors shaping the quality of construction are materials, the customer, the designer and the project, the general contractor and the competence of supervisor. Based on the survey, the author concluded that it is not always possible to follow all quality standards because the customers have different understandings of quality.
Ehitusinseneriõppe lõputöö
Maaehituse õppekaval
magistritööd, kvaliteet, järelvalve, ehitusettevõte, peatöövõtt, alltöövõtt, kompetentsus