Evaluation of smart economy development in the RIGA planning region (LATVIA)
Kättesaadav alates
Rivža, B.
Āzena, L.
Rivža, P.
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
To evaluate the potential development of smart economy in the Riga planning region (henceforth
– RPR), it is important to understand the present situation in the region, its specificity, and role
in the context of provisional future trends. Two approaches have been employed in the present
study to evaluate the situation on a regional level. One includes the collection and comparison of
the basic economic development indicators, whereas AHP method has been used in the second
approach, where 5 experts expressed their opinion on the options of potential development of
smart specialisation in the RPR.
RPR as a capital city region is pronouncedly monocentric, with Riga city as its socioeconomic
core that develops a wide network of functional ties, and creates a home for the part of the society
that works in Riga, but lives in the adjacent suburban territories – Pieriga.
Traditionally the basic indicators of development include only the demographic and economic
indicators. Sometimes these results are not objective, do not describe the potential for
development, but clearly show the inequal social and economic situation in the region. To
characterise the economic development in the RPR, we will include the economic profile data,
statistical data and expert opinions on the population, regional government, state and EU
influence on the development of the Pieriga region smart specialisation.
development of smart economy, smart specialisation, articles