5-7-aastaste laste kogemused, arvamused ja mõtted seoses reisimisega
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Praegu lasteaias käivad lapsed on tulevikus iseseisvalt mõtlevad turistid. Kuna alusharidus
on koht, kus on võimalik lapsi suunates tutvustada neile maailmas toimuvat, siis kujunevad
esmased arvamused välja juba lasteaiaeas. Sageli arvatakse, et laste arvamuste uurimine on
keeruline ja ajamahukas, sest nõuab keerulisemaid meetodeid ning lapsi kaasates on tarvis
lisaks lapse enda nõusolekule ka lapsevanema nõusolekut uuringus osalemiseks. Töö
eesmärk on anda metoodiline panus turismikirjandusse ning aidata lastel kuuldavaks teha
nende mõtted, kogemused ja arvamused seoses reisimisega. 2022. aastal augustis ja
septembris koguti 5-7-aastastelt lastelt 47 joonistust nende isiklike reisikogemuste kohta.
Seejärel viidi laste joonistatud piltide põhjal läbi intervjuud. Saadud tulemustest selgus, et
lapsed hindavad vägagi perega koos veedetud aega. Samuti olid lapsed valmis andma ka
kriitilisemat tagasisidet, mis neile reiside jooksul meeldis ja ei meeldinud. Selgus, et kui
kasutada lapsesõbralikke meetodeid, on võimalik lastelt saada informatsiooni nende
reisikogemuste kohta. Lasteaiaealised lapsed on võimelised edukalt enda arvamusi
väljendama. Laste arvamusi võiks ja peaks võtma rohkem kuulda. Võttes aluseks antud
uurimuse, on võimalik veelgi rohkemate laste arvamusi turismivaldkonnas uurida. Lapsed
said sõna olulisel teemal, nende arvamus ja panus on olulise väärtusega. Töö autori soovitus
on, et tulevikus tuleks läbi viia sarnaseid uuringuid ja seda suurema valimiga. Kasu saavad
nii väikesed reisijad kui ka suuremad, kes lastega lähemalt või kaudsemalt seotud on (sh
lapsevanemad ja turismiteenuste pakkujad).
From an early age, children are the independent-minded tourists of the future. Pre-school education is a place where children can be guided and introduced to the world. Initial opinions are already formed in kindergarten. Researching children's opinions is often thought to be difficult and time-consuming, because it requires more sophisticated methods and the involvement of children requires not only the child's consent but also the consent of the parent to participate in the research. The aim of this work is to provide a methodological contribution to the literature on tourism and to help children express their thoughts, experiences and opinions on travel. In August and September 2022 47 drawings about their personal travel experiences were collected from 5-7-year-old children. Interviews were based on the children's drawings. The results showed that children value the time spent with their families. Children were also willing to give more critical feedback on what they liked and disliked during their trips. It was found that by using child-friendly methods, it is possible to get information from children about their travel experiences. Kindergartners can successfully express their opinions. Children's opinions could and should be listened to more. More children's views on tourism could be explored on the basis of this survey. Children had their say on an important issue, and their opinions and contributions are valuable. The author's recommendation is that similar studies should be carried out in the future with a larger sample. This would benefit also young travellers and older ones who are more closely or indirectly involved with children (including parents and tourism service providers).
From an early age, children are the independent-minded tourists of the future. Pre-school education is a place where children can be guided and introduced to the world. Initial opinions are already formed in kindergarten. Researching children's opinions is often thought to be difficult and time-consuming, because it requires more sophisticated methods and the involvement of children requires not only the child's consent but also the consent of the parent to participate in the research. The aim of this work is to provide a methodological contribution to the literature on tourism and to help children express their thoughts, experiences and opinions on travel. In August and September 2022 47 drawings about their personal travel experiences were collected from 5-7-year-old children. Interviews were based on the children's drawings. The results showed that children value the time spent with their families. Children were also willing to give more critical feedback on what they liked and disliked during their trips. It was found that by using child-friendly methods, it is possible to get information from children about their travel experiences. Kindergartners can successfully express their opinions. Children's opinions could and should be listened to more. More children's views on tourism could be explored on the basis of this survey. Children had their say on an important issue, and their opinions and contributions are valuable. The author's recommendation is that similar studies should be carried out in the future with a larger sample. This would benefit also young travellers and older ones who are more closely or indirectly involved with children (including parents and tourism service providers).
Loodusturismi õppekaval
magistritööd, lapsed, turism, arvamused, joonistused