RTK GNSS seadme kontrollimine ja välikalibreerimine
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Küüsmaa, Sten
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Eesti Maaülikool
Kuna RTK GNSS mõõtmistel soovitakse saada järjest täpsemaid tulemusi, on oluline, et vastuvõtja oleks õigesti seadistatud ning töökorras. Antud bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks oli kindlaks teha, kuidas kontrollitakse, kas GNSS vastuvõtja suudab saavutada täpsuse, mis on seadme spetsifikatsioonis kirja pandud. Uurimisel lähtuti ISO 17123-8 standardist. Eesmärgi saavutamiseks viidi läbi arvutused simuleeritud testandmetega. Simuleeritud testandmed koosnesid kolmest RTK GNSS mõõteseeria andmetest punktidel R1 ja R2,. Simuleeritud X, Y, H koordinaatides arvutati punktide R1 ja R2 vahelise joone horisontaalprojektsioon ja ellipsoidaalne kõrguskasv ning neid võrreldi nominaalväärtustega. Seejärel arvutati kolme mõõteseeria keskmiseid koordinaadid ning neid võrreldi igas seerias mõõdetud koordinaatidega R1 ja R2. Koordinaatidele arvutati jäägid, ruutjäägid ning standardhälbed. Standardhälvete järgi sai arvutada GNSS seadme horisontaal- ja vertikaaltäpsuse. Saadud täpsuseid võrreldi tootja poolt spetsifikatsioonis ette antud täpsustega. Tulemusest selgus et antud simuleeritud testandmed ei vasta Leica GS18 T spetsifikatsioonis toodud täpsustele.
As more and more accurate results are required for RTK GNSS measurements, it is important that the receiver is set up correctly and is working properly. The aim of this bachelor's thesis was to investigate whether a GNSS receiver can achieve the accuracy described in the device specification. The study was based on the ISO 17123-8 standard. To achieve the goal, calculations were performed with simulated test data. The simulated test data consisted of three series of measurements at points R1 and R2. In the simulated X, Y, H coordinates, horizontal projection and ellipsoidal elevation of the line between points R1 and R2 were calculated and compared with the nominal values ΔX, ΔY, ΔH. The average coordinates of the three series of measurements were then calculated and compared with the coordinates R1 and R2 measured in each series. Residues, squares, and standard deviations were calculated for the coordinates. The horizontal and vertical accuracy of the GNSS device could be calculated from the standard deviations. The accuracies obtained were compared with those specified by the manufacturer in the specification. The result showed that the simulated test data did not meet the requirements that are given in the instrument specification of Leica GS18 T.
As more and more accurate results are required for RTK GNSS measurements, it is important that the receiver is set up correctly and is working properly. The aim of this bachelor's thesis was to investigate whether a GNSS receiver can achieve the accuracy described in the device specification. The study was based on the ISO 17123-8 standard. To achieve the goal, calculations were performed with simulated test data. The simulated test data consisted of three series of measurements at points R1 and R2. In the simulated X, Y, H coordinates, horizontal projection and ellipsoidal elevation of the line between points R1 and R2 were calculated and compared with the nominal values ΔX, ΔY, ΔH. The average coordinates of the three series of measurements were then calculated and compared with the coordinates R1 and R2 measured in each series. Residues, squares, and standard deviations were calculated for the coordinates. The horizontal and vertical accuracy of the GNSS device could be calculated from the standard deviations. The accuracies obtained were compared with those specified by the manufacturer in the specification. The result showed that the simulated test data did not meet the requirements that are given in the instrument specification of Leica GS18 T.
Geodeesia, kinnisvara- ja maakorralduse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, satelliitnavigatsioonisüsteemid, kinemaatika, GPS, nominaalväärtus, standardhälve, horisontaaltäpsus, vertikaaltäpsus