2016. aasta juulitormi järgine kuuse-kooreüraski kahjustuste levik Karula rahvuspargi sihtkaitsevööndites
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Kuuse-kooreürask on üks olulisemaid hariliku kuuse kahjureid Euroopas ning eeldatavasti
suureneb liigi olulisus puidukahjurina kliimamuutuste tagajärjel veelgi. Tormikahjustused
soodustavad kuuse-kooreüraski levikut. Magistritöö eesmärgiks on uurida kuuse kooreüraski kahjustuste levikut Karula rahvuspargi sihtkaitsevööndites 2016. aasta
juulitormi järgselt, et mõista, kuidas on kuuse-kooreüraski kahjustused Karula
rahvuspargi kuusikutes tormi järgselt levinud, kas leviku kolded on vaibunud ning leida
põhjuseid, miks teatud puistud on kahjustamata.
Välitööd teostati Karula rahvuspargi sihtkaitsevööndites koristamata tormialade vahetus
läheduses 2020. aasta kevadsuvisel perioodil. Välitööde käigus uuriti hariliku kuuse
koosseisuga puistuid üksikpuu ja proovitüki tasandil ning kogutud andmeid analüüsiti
programmiga R (R Core Team 2021).
Töö tulemusel selgus, et olulisemateks teguriteks, mis mõjutavad kuuse-kooreüraski
kahjustuse olemasolu, on hariliku kuuse keskmine diameeter, tagavara ja rinnaspindala,
samuti puistu boniteet. Üllatuslikult ei leidnud kinnitust puistu liigilise koosseisu
mitmekesisuse ja üraskikahjustuse olemasolu vaheline seos valitud proovialadel. 5 aasta
möödudes olid uuritud alade kahjustuskolded tormikollete läheduses vaibunud ning enim
üraskikahjustusest mõjutatud alad paiknesid tormikolletele lähedamal.
Magistritöö valmis osana projektist „Tormijärgne üraskikahjustuste levik ja
metsakaitseabinõud leviku tõkestamiseks“.
European spruce-bark beetle is one of the most important pests of Norway spruce in Europe and presumably the importance as such will rise in the context of climate changes. Storm damages contribute to the bark beetle infestations. The puropse of the thesis is to study the spread of European spruce bark beetle at the conservation zones of Karula National Park after the July-storm of 2016 where the disturbance areas have not been influenced by human activity. The study will give an overview of the area of the spread, the possible fading of the infestations and natural features of the forest that contribute to the spread of the bark beetles. The field work was carried out at the conservation zones of Karula National Park close to the storm damages during the spring and summer of 2020. Single trees and stands were studied and the analysis was performed using the program R (Core team 2021). According to the results, most important factors that contribute to the spread of bark beetle infestations are the average diameter, volume and basal area of Norway spruce, also the site quality class. The diversity of the dominant tree-species of the stand did not appear to have significance at the research area. After 5 years the bark beetle infestations had faded and the areas that were more severely damaged appeared to be closer to the storm gaps. The thesis is part of the project „Post-storm bark beetle damages and forest protection measures to prevent the spread".
European spruce-bark beetle is one of the most important pests of Norway spruce in Europe and presumably the importance as such will rise in the context of climate changes. Storm damages contribute to the bark beetle infestations. The puropse of the thesis is to study the spread of European spruce bark beetle at the conservation zones of Karula National Park after the July-storm of 2016 where the disturbance areas have not been influenced by human activity. The study will give an overview of the area of the spread, the possible fading of the infestations and natural features of the forest that contribute to the spread of the bark beetles. The field work was carried out at the conservation zones of Karula National Park close to the storm damages during the spring and summer of 2020. Single trees and stands were studied and the analysis was performed using the program R (Core team 2021). According to the results, most important factors that contribute to the spread of bark beetle infestations are the average diameter, volume and basal area of Norway spruce, also the site quality class. The diversity of the dominant tree-species of the stand did not appear to have significance at the research area. After 5 years the bark beetle infestations had faded and the areas that were more severely damaged appeared to be closer to the storm gaps. The thesis is part of the project „Post-storm bark beetle damages and forest protection measures to prevent the spread".
Keskkonnakorralduse ja -poliitika õppekaval
magistritööd, kaitsealad, looduskaitse, looduslikud häiringud, metsakahjurid