Hoone aerofotogramm-meetriline mõõdistamine UAV-ga
dc.contributor.advisor | Liibusk, Aive | |
dc.contributor.advisor | Viitkin, Marek | |
dc.contributor.author | Kirs, Even | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2019-06-03T09:26:14Z | |
dc.date.available | 2019-06-03T09:26:14Z | |
dc.date.defensed | 2019-06-12 | |
dc.date.issued | 2019 | |
dc.description | Magistritöö Geodeesia ja maakorralduse õppekaval | est |
dc.description.abstract | Magistritöö eesmärgiks oli uurida UAV kasutusvõimalusi hoone, selle fassaadi ja katusepinna täpseks mõõdistuseks mitte orbitaalsel aerofotogramm-meetrilisel meetodil. Eesmärgi saavutamiseks teostati andmete kogumised uuritavast objektist aerofotogrammmeetrilisel ja terrestrilise laserskaneerimise meetodil. Uuriti, kas aerofotogrammmeetriline mõõdistus on sama täpne, odavam ja kiirem alternatiiv terrestrilisest laserskaneerimisest. Andmetöötluse tulemusena saadi mehitamata õhusõiduki tehtud piltidest punktipilv, mida võrreldi laserskaneerimise teel saadud punktipilvega. Tööst selgus, et aerofotogramm-meetria kasutamine hoonete mõõdistamisel on kindlasti kiirem, lihtsam ja odavam alternatiiv kui kasutada elektrontahhümeetrit või laserskannerit. Aerofotogramm-meetrilisel meetodil mõõdistatud punktipilvel oli detailne maapind ja katus, kehvem fassaad. Terrestrilise laserskaneerimise puhul oli fassaad hea kuid tehnorajatiste tõttu katus kehvem. Kehvema aerofotogramm-meetrilise meetodi punkipilve tiheduse tõttu fassaadil ei saa selle töö puhul öelda, et see meetod on sama täpne ja kvaliteetne kui terrestrilise laserskanneri puhul, küll aga on mitte orbitaalse aerofotogramm-meetrilise meetodi kasutamine suurte hoonete puhul piisav, näiteks ehitusmaterjalide mahtude leidmiseks hoone renoveerimisel. | est |
dc.description.abstract | The aim of the current Master´s thesis was to find out UAV usage options for the building´s, its facade´s and roof area´s precise surveying with the help of aerophotogrammetric method. To achieve the aim data was collected from the object under study using the aerophotogrammetric and terrestrial laser scanning methods. It was studied if the aero-photogram surveying is a precise, cheaper and faster alternative from the terrestrial laser scanning. As a result of the data processing the point cloud, which was taken by an unmanned aerial vehicle, was compared with the point cloud, which was taken by laser scanning. The study showed that using aerophotogrammetry in surveying of buildings is definitely faster, easier and cheaper than using the electrontachometer or the laser scanner. On the point cloud surveyed by aerophoto-grammetric method there was detailed ground and the roof, but the worse facade. As to the terrestrial laser scanning, the facade was good, but the roof was worse because of engineering constructions. Because of the worse density of the UAV point cloud on the facade of the building one cannot say according to this study that the method of aerophotogrammetry is as precise as using the terrestrial laser scanner. However the use of non-orbital surveying is accurate enough, for example, to find the volume of building materials when renovating a building. | eng |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/10492/5172 | |
dc.publisher | Eesti Maaülikool | |
dc.subject | magistritööd | est |
dc.subject | aerofotogrammmeetria | est |
dc.subject | droonid | est |
dc.subject | punktipilved | est |
dc.title | Hoone aerofotogramm-meetriline mõõdistamine UAV-ga | est |
dc.title.alternative | UAV-Based Photogrammetry for Surveying of a Building | eng |
dc.type | Master Thesis | |
rioxxterms.freetoread.startdate | 12.09.2019 |