Abiootilise stressi füüsikaliste tegurite mõju ilutaimedele
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Bachman, Kati
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Stressifaktorid mõjutavad ilutaimi linnapiirkondades põhjustades kahjulikku mõju kasvule ja õitsemisele, mis on nende esteetiline väärtus. Siiani puuduvad uurimused Eesti tingimustesse sobivate ilutaimede stressitaluvusest. Töö eesmärgiks oli selgitada abiootiliste stressifaktorite- temperatuuri, niiskuse ja kiirguse mõju ilutaimedele. Ilutaimede kõige dekoratiivsem element on tavaliselt õied, kuid neid mõjutab stress just kõige enam. Stressifaktoritest avaldasid mõju enam kõrge temperatuur, põud ning kiirgus. Kuna töö on koostatud teadusartiklite põhjal, kus kõik katsed on tehtud välismaal, siis tekib taimede suhtes erinevusi. Teemat peab veel uurima ja tegema katseid, just Eesti kliimas ja meile sobivamate taimedega.
Märksõnad: abiootiline
Stress factors affecting ornamental plants in urban areas, causing effects on growth and flowering, which is their aesthetic value. So far there are no researches made in Estonian conditions suitable for ornamental plants resistance to stress. The purpose of this research was to examine the effect of abiotic stress factors such as temperature, drought, and UV- light on bedding plants. The most decorative elements of bedding plants are their blossoms, which are also the most affected by stress. High temperature, drought, and radiation had the biggest impact among the stress factors. As the research is composed on the basis of scientific articles, where all tests have been carried out abroad, then there are differences among the plants. The subject ought to be researched further and experiments ought to be carried out in the Estonian climate and using plants more appropriate to our location.
Stress factors affecting ornamental plants in urban areas, causing effects on growth and flowering, which is their aesthetic value. So far there are no researches made in Estonian conditions suitable for ornamental plants resistance to stress. The purpose of this research was to examine the effect of abiotic stress factors such as temperature, drought, and UV- light on bedding plants. The most decorative elements of bedding plants are their blossoms, which are also the most affected by stress. High temperature, drought, and radiation had the biggest impact among the stress factors. As the research is composed on the basis of scientific articles, where all tests have been carried out abroad, then there are differences among the plants. The subject ought to be researched further and experiments ought to be carried out in the Estonian climate and using plants more appropriate to our location.
ilutaimed, stress, abiootiline stress, abiootilised tegurid, temperatuur, niiskus, põud, kiirgus, bakalaureusetööd