3D printimise lisaseade vertikaalsele töötlemiskeskusele „Haas Minimill“
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Lõputöös antakse ülevaade 3D printimise tehnoloogiatest ja termoplasti ekstrusioon
prindipea põhilistest osadest. Projekteeritakse lisaseade, millega vertikaalne töötlemiskeskus
muuta 3D printeriks ilma lõiketöötlusvõimekust kaotamata. Lisaseade koosneb
kuumutusdüüsist, materjali etteandjast, kinnitustest, töölauast, kasutajaliidesest, filamendi
poolist ja toiteplokist. Projekteerides olid eesmärkideks seadme lihtne paigaldatavus,
ühildumine firma Haas kontrolleriga ja kasutus mugavus. Käsitletud on riistvara,
elektroonikat, tarkvara, lisatud on tehnilised joonised.
The thesis gives an overview of 3D printing technologies and basic parts of a thermoplastic extrusion print-head. The paper describes how to build an add-on instrument to turn a vertical machining centre into a 3D printer without loosing it's machining capabilities. The add-on is made out of a hot end, an extruder, mounts, a heated bed, an user interface, a filament spool and a power supply. The design goals were ease of installation, seamless integration with Haas controller and ease of usage. The project covers hardware, electronics, software and technical drawings.
The thesis gives an overview of 3D printing technologies and basic parts of a thermoplastic extrusion print-head. The paper describes how to build an add-on instrument to turn a vertical machining centre into a 3D printer without loosing it's machining capabilities. The add-on is made out of a hot end, an extruder, mounts, a heated bed, an user interface, a filament spool and a power supply. The design goals were ease of installation, seamless integration with Haas controller and ease of usage. The project covers hardware, electronics, software and technical drawings.
3D-printimine, tehnoloogia, tööpingid, 3D printerid, seadmed, kuumutusdüüsid, filament, lõputööd