Kinoa kasvatamise potentsiaal ja tasuvus Eesti põllumajanduse mitmekesistamisel
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Bakalaureusetöö eesmärk oli anda majanduslik hinnang kinoale kui potentsiaalsele Eesti
põllumajandust mitmekesistavale põllukultuurile.
Põhjusel, et kinoa kultuuri pole varem eesti keelses erialakirjanduses käsitletud, antakse töö
teoreetilises osas välismaistele kirjandusallikatele tuginedes ülevaade kinoa kultuuri
agronoomilistest aspektidest, aretussuundadest ning Eestile klimaatiliste tingimuste poolest
sarnanevates piirkondades läbiviidud põldkatsete tulemustest.
Bakalaureusetöö empiiriline osa põhineb erinevatest andmebaasidest kogutud kvantitatiivsel
informatsioonil, mille abil analüüsitakse kinoa tootmist ja tarbimist iseloomustavaid näitajaid
maailmas. Empiirilises osas antakse ka lühiülevaade kinoa toodete sortimendist ja
tarbimisest, seda Eestis tegutsevate veebipoodide ja Tartu suuremate jaekaubanduskettide
näitel. Lisaks viidi töö empiirilises osas läbi kattetulu meetodil põhinev majandusanalüüs,
selgitamaks välja kinoa kui alternatiivse kultuuri kasvatamise tasuvust. Kattetulu leiti nii
orgaanilise kui ka mitte-orgaanilise kinoa kasvatamise kohta. Kattetulu kujunemise juures
analüüsiti eraldi muutuvkulusid ja masinatöö kulusid, seda põhjusel, et ettevõtete võimalused
masinatööde tegemisel võivad olla kohati väga erinevad. Kattetulu kujunes mõlema
kasvatusviisi puhul positiivseks, mis on märk sellest, et antud kultuuri kasvatamine Eestis
võib olenemata kasvatusviisist osutuda majanduslikult tasuvaks tegevuseks.
Bakalaureusetöö autor leiab, et antud töö eesmärk, uurida kinoa kasvatamise potentsiaali ja
tasuvust Eesti põllumajanduse mitmekesistamisel, sai täidetud, ning on arvamusel, et
käesolev töö annab nii tegutsevale kui ka alustavale põllumajandustootjatele ja
põllumajanduse edendajatele mõtlesmisainet, seda eelkõige vähetuntud, kuid lootustandvate
põllukultuuride kasvatamise näol.
The objective of this paper is to provide an economic assessment on quinoa as a crop potentially contributing to the agricultural diversification in Estonia. The thesis consists of a theoretical and empirical part. Because quinoa has not been covered in Estonian-language professional literature, the theoretical part providing an overview of the agronomic characteristics of the crop relies on foreign-language sources. The empirical part is based on quantitative information gathered from various databases and this information was used to analyse factors characterising quinoa production and consumption worldwide. Also, the empirical part provides a brief overview of the range of quinoa products available and consumption thereof on the example of Estonian e-shops and large supermarket chains in Tartu. In addition, the empirical section includes an economic analysis using the contribution margin approach to determine the agricultural profitability of quinoa as an alternative crop. The contribution margin analysis covers organic as well as non-organic quinoa cultivation. The contribution margin was positive for both cultivation methods, which means that farming this crop may turn out to be economically profitable irrespective of the chosen cultivation method. The author of the thesis is of the opinion that the objective of analysing the potential and profitability of quinoa cultivation in diversifying agriculture in Estonia was fulfilled, and that this paper provides new as well as established agricultural producers and promoters of agriculture with fresh insights – primarily on the cultivation of unfamiliar, but promising crops.
The objective of this paper is to provide an economic assessment on quinoa as a crop potentially contributing to the agricultural diversification in Estonia. The thesis consists of a theoretical and empirical part. Because quinoa has not been covered in Estonian-language professional literature, the theoretical part providing an overview of the agronomic characteristics of the crop relies on foreign-language sources. The empirical part is based on quantitative information gathered from various databases and this information was used to analyse factors characterising quinoa production and consumption worldwide. Also, the empirical part provides a brief overview of the range of quinoa products available and consumption thereof on the example of Estonian e-shops and large supermarket chains in Tartu. In addition, the empirical section includes an economic analysis using the contribution margin approach to determine the agricultural profitability of quinoa as an alternative crop. The contribution margin analysis covers organic as well as non-organic quinoa cultivation. The contribution margin was positive for both cultivation methods, which means that farming this crop may turn out to be economically profitable irrespective of the chosen cultivation method. The author of the thesis is of the opinion that the objective of analysing the potential and profitability of quinoa cultivation in diversifying agriculture in Estonia was fulfilled, and that this paper provides new as well as established agricultural producers and promoters of agriculture with fresh insights – primarily on the cultivation of unfamiliar, but promising crops.
tšiili hanemalts, taimekasvatus, tootmine, tarbimine, rentaablus, põllumajandus, Eesti, bakalaureusetööd