Kooliergonoomika metodoloogiline käsitlus tänapäeva klassiruumi töökeskkonna näitel
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Ossipova, Ekaterina
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Magistritööst uuritud on võimalik teha kolme kooli gümnaasiumi üldhariduskooli
8 klassi arvutiklassiruumi kohta järgmised järeldused:
1. Õhutemperatuur kooli arvutiklassides vastas normile. Koolis nr 1 õhutemperatuuri
keskmine väärtus oli 23,9 °C, koolis nr 2 see oli 22,0 °C ja koolis nr 3 see oli 25,4 °C
2. Suhteline õhuniiskus arvutiklassides peaaegu vastas normatiiv väärtustele koolis nr 2
ja koolis nr 3, vastavalt 29,3% ja 26,1%. Koolis nr 1 see jäi alla normi olles keskmiselt
3. Õhuliikumiskiirus vastas normatiiv väärtustele arvutiklassides koolis nr 1, koolis nr 2
ja koolis nr 3. Õhuliikumiskiiruse keskmised väärtused olid vastavalt 0,01m/s, 0,01m/s
ja 0,06 m/s, olles normi piires kõigis klassides.
4. Valgustus vastas normile ainult koolis nr 3, kus valgustustihedus oli 529 lx. Koolis nr
2 valgustustihedus oli 153,4 lx. Aga koolis nr 1 oli kõige halvem valgustus, selle
arvutiklassi valgustustihedus oli 49,63 lx.
5. Müratase oli kõikides koolides umbes samal tasemel. Koolis nr 1 müratase oli 52,27
dB(A), koolis nr 2 see oli 44,97 dB(A) ja koolis nr 3 müratse oli kõige kõrgem 67,03
dB(A), mis võis olla tingitud tugevast sundventilatsioonist, mille tõttu oli ka
õhuliikumiskiirus suurem. Samuti koolis nr 3 oli kõige rohkem õpilasi.
6. Ankeetuuringu tulemustest selgus, et viimase kuu jooksul õpilastel esinesid erinevates
kehapiirkondades skeleti-lihasvalud. Kõige enam esines valusid, mis kestsid kauem
kui üks päev, kaelas (39%) ja alaseljas (31%). Järgnesid õlavalu (23%), põlvevalu
(20%), randme ja käelaba valud (19%) ja küünarliigese valu (11%).
7. Ankeetuuringu tulemustest selgus, et mitte kõik õpilased on ergonoomiliselt
õppimiseks juhendatud. Tulemustest selgus, et ainult 20% lastest on juhendatud ja
19% lastest pigem on juhendatud. Vastanutest 23% vastasid pigem ei ole juhendatud
ja 23% õpilast üldse ei ole juhendatud, 14% lastest vastasid “ei oska öelda”.
8. Hea sisekliima ja ergonoomiline töökoht vähendab võimalikke haiguste teket, seega
sisekliima parameetrid peavad vastama seaduses märgitud nõuetele ja töökoht peab
olema reguleeritav.
9. Skeleti-lihasvalu sümptomite varane märkamine, nendele tähelepanu pööramine ning
regulaarne tervisekontrolli läbiviimine aitab vältida tõsiste haiguste teket. 10. Soovitused, mille täitmine on vajalik: õige tööasend, puhkepauside tegemine,
lõdvestavate harjutuste tegemine nii kehale kui ka silmadele. Õpilaste juhendamine.
11. Uuritud koolide arvutiklasside olukord on erinev. Võimalusel peaks kõrvaldama
arvutiklassides esinevad puudused: koolis nr 1 madal õhuniiskus, koolis nr 1 ja koolis
nr 2 halb valgustus, koolis nr 3 müratase.
12. Samuti koolis peab olema isik, kes on saanud erialase väljaõppe ja vastutab
arvutitöökohtade tervislike nõuete ja standardite täitmise eest.
The aim of the research paper was to identify ergonomic problems in schools’ computer rooms and also to evaluate the influence of working with the computer on students’ state of health. Children spend the majority of their daytime in schools, where they contact with different risk factors. Certain risk factors that result from long-term influence may harm the health of the child. The microclimate of indoor environment as well as the ergonomics of child’s working environment impact on the child’s health. School environment has improved year by year; nevertheless nowadays there are some schools where children do study in unsatisfactory conditions. The working environment has to meet the needs of a child in order to prevent possible health risks. Based on the results of the survey undertaken for the master’s thesis, it is possible to make the following conclusions about the computer rooms of 8th grade of three general educational schools in the City of Tartu. Air temperature in the computer rooms of the schools met the standard. In the school no. 1 air temperature mean value was 23,9 °C, in the school no. 2 it was 22,0 °C and in the school no. 3 it was 25,4 °C. Relative humidity in the computer rooms almost conformed the normative value in the school no. 2 and in the school no. 3, accordingly 29,3% and 26,1%. In the school no. 1 it was below the standard, with an average of 12%. Lighting met the standards only in the school no. 3, where illuminance was 529 lux. In the school no. 2 illuminance was 153,4 lux. In the school no. 1 there was the worst lighting, the computer class’s illuminance was 49,63 lux. Noise level were almost at the same level in all of the schools. In the school no. 1 noise level was 52,27 dB(A), in the school no. 2 it was 44,97 dB(A) and in the school no. 3 noise level was the highest 67,03 dB(A), that could be due to strong forced-air ventilation, because of which the air flow speed was also faster. In addition, the school no. 3 had the highest number of pupils. The results of the survey revealed that during the last month students had skeletal muscle pains in different parts of the body. The majority of pains that lasted longer than one day occurred in the neck (39%) and lower back (31%). Followed by the shoulder pain (23%), knee pain (20%), palm of the hand and wrist pains (19%) and the elbow pain (11%). The results of the survey revealed that not all of students were supervised for ergonomic studying. The results revealed that only 20% of the children were supervised and 19% of the children were rather supervised. 23% of the respondents answered that they were rather not supervised, and 23% of the students answered that they were not at all supervised, 14% of the students answered ‘I do not know’. Suggestions performance of which is necessary are as follows: to ensure the correct working position, to make breaks, to make relaxing exercises for the body as well as for the eyes. To supervise the students.
The aim of the research paper was to identify ergonomic problems in schools’ computer rooms and also to evaluate the influence of working with the computer on students’ state of health. Children spend the majority of their daytime in schools, where they contact with different risk factors. Certain risk factors that result from long-term influence may harm the health of the child. The microclimate of indoor environment as well as the ergonomics of child’s working environment impact on the child’s health. School environment has improved year by year; nevertheless nowadays there are some schools where children do study in unsatisfactory conditions. The working environment has to meet the needs of a child in order to prevent possible health risks. Based on the results of the survey undertaken for the master’s thesis, it is possible to make the following conclusions about the computer rooms of 8th grade of three general educational schools in the City of Tartu. Air temperature in the computer rooms of the schools met the standard. In the school no. 1 air temperature mean value was 23,9 °C, in the school no. 2 it was 22,0 °C and in the school no. 3 it was 25,4 °C. Relative humidity in the computer rooms almost conformed the normative value in the school no. 2 and in the school no. 3, accordingly 29,3% and 26,1%. In the school no. 1 it was below the standard, with an average of 12%. Lighting met the standards only in the school no. 3, where illuminance was 529 lux. In the school no. 2 illuminance was 153,4 lux. In the school no. 1 there was the worst lighting, the computer class’s illuminance was 49,63 lux. Noise level were almost at the same level in all of the schools. In the school no. 1 noise level was 52,27 dB(A), in the school no. 2 it was 44,97 dB(A) and in the school no. 3 noise level was the highest 67,03 dB(A), that could be due to strong forced-air ventilation, because of which the air flow speed was also faster. In addition, the school no. 3 had the highest number of pupils. The results of the survey revealed that during the last month students had skeletal muscle pains in different parts of the body. The majority of pains that lasted longer than one day occurred in the neck (39%) and lower back (31%). Followed by the shoulder pain (23%), knee pain (20%), palm of the hand and wrist pains (19%) and the elbow pain (11%). The results of the survey revealed that not all of students were supervised for ergonomic studying. The results revealed that only 20% of the children were supervised and 19% of the children were rather supervised. 23% of the respondents answered that they were rather not supervised, and 23% of the students answered that they were not at all supervised, 14% of the students answered ‘I do not know’. Suggestions performance of which is necessary are as follows: to ensure the correct working position, to make breaks, to make relaxing exercises for the body as well as for the eyes. To supervise the students.