Erinevate ehitustehnoloogiliste lahenduste mõju korterelamu maksumusele Rahu 1b näitel
Kättesaadav alates
Suletud / Closed, Korraldus nr. 6-1.MI/92
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Eesti Maaülikool
Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärgiks on koostada eskiisprojekti staadiumis korterelamu
erinevate konstruktsioonilahenduste ning kütte- ja ventilatsiooni lahenduste majandusliku
efektiivsuse selgitamiseks tarvilik analüüs. Töö autor on valinud analüüsi esemeks Tartusse
aadressil Rahu 1b kavandatava korterelamu. Mahtude arvutamisel on aluseks võetud Tartu
Linnavalitsuse poolt määratud projekteerimistingimused ja eskiisplaanid.
Lõputöös analüüsiti erinevaid ehituslahendusi, kirjeldati neid projekteerimise ja ehitusliku
poole pealt ning selgitati välja erinevate lahenduste maksumused. Võttes arvesse nii hinda
kui ka kvaliteeti on magistritöös valitud välja kõige optimaalsemad ehitustehnoloogilised
Töös kõige kasumlikumaks ja ühtlasi ka kvaliteetseks osutunud lahendused on aluseks
ehitusprojekti koostamiseks.
The aim of this master's thesis is to compile the necessary analysis to explain the economic efficiency of different construction solutions and heating and ventilation solutions of an apartment building at the stage of a draft plan of construction work. The author has chosen the planned apartment building in Tartu at Rahu 1b as the object of analysis. The construction volumes are calculated on the basis of the design specifications issued by the Tartu City Government and sketch basis. In the dissertation, different construction solutions were analysed, also described in terms of design and construction, and the costs of different solutions were identified. Taking into account both price and quality, the most optimal construction technology solutions have been selected in the master's thesis. The solutions that have proved to be the most profitable and also high-quality in the thesis are the basis for compiling an apartment building design documentation.
The aim of this master's thesis is to compile the necessary analysis to explain the economic efficiency of different construction solutions and heating and ventilation solutions of an apartment building at the stage of a draft plan of construction work. The author has chosen the planned apartment building in Tartu at Rahu 1b as the object of analysis. The construction volumes are calculated on the basis of the design specifications issued by the Tartu City Government and sketch basis. In the dissertation, different construction solutions were analysed, also described in terms of design and construction, and the costs of different solutions were identified. Taking into account both price and quality, the most optimal construction technology solutions have been selected in the master's thesis. The solutions that have proved to be the most profitable and also high-quality in the thesis are the basis for compiling an apartment building design documentation.
Maaehituse erialal
magistritööd, korterelamud, ehitusmaksumus