Nutipistiku valmistamine ja selle elumajas kasutamise analüüs
Kättesaadav alates
Korju, Alo
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Eesti Maaülikool
Tänapäeva kõrgenenud energiahindade juures on ühiskonnas järjest populaarsemaks muutunud energiasäästlikuma eluviisi poole püüdlemine ja lahenduste leidmine. Üheks võimalikuks energia säästmise viisiks on nutipistiku kasutamine kodus. Antud töö eesmärgiks oli tutvuda erinevate nutipistiku kasutusvõimalustega, projekteerida ise töötav nutipistik ning katsetada, kui palju kasu sellest säästmisel on, kui kasutada seda veeboileri juhtimiseks. Töö on jaotatud kolme etappi, esimeses etapis tutvuti nutipistiku kasutusvõimalustega ja põhikomponentidega, teises etapis projekteeriti valmis nutipistik ning kolmandas teostati katseline osa. Nutipistiku programmi loomisel kasutati C++ programmeerimiskeelt. Katselises osas selgus, et veeboileri energiakulu vee jahtumisele on 3,5 kWh ööpäevas ja boileri soojuskadu 5,98 kWh kuus. Nutipistiku kasutamise katses selgus, et energiakulu nutipistiku kasutamine ei tõsta ja sääst tuleneb puhtalt odavamatest töötundidest. Arvutuslikult võib öelda, et sääst kuu lõikes nutipistikut kasutades tuleb ligikaudu 2-kordne võrreldes ilma nutipistikuta kasutamisega. Antud lõputöö pakub alust nutipistiku edasiseks projekteerimiseks ning paremate kasutuslahenduste leidmiseks.
With today's high energy prices, striving for a more energy-efficient way of life and finding solutions have become more and more popular in society. One possible way to save energy is to use a smart plug at home. The aim of this work was to get acquainted with the various possibilities of using a smart plug, to design a smart plug that works by itself, and to test how much it benefits in terms of saving if it is used to control a water boiler. The work is divided into three stages, in the first stage the possibilities of use and main components of the smart plug were familiarized, in the second stage the finished smart plug was designed, and in the third the experimental part was carried out. The C++ programming language was used to create the smart plug program. In the experimental part, it was found that the energy consumption of the water boiler for cooling the water is 3.5 kWh per day, and the heat loss of the boiler is 5.98 kWh per month. In the test of using the smart plug, it was found that the use of the smart plug does not increase the energy consumption and the savings result purely from cheaper working hours. By calculation, it can be said that the monthly savings using a smart plug will be approximately 2 times compared to using it without a smart plug. This thesis provides a basis for the further design of the smart plug and for finding better usage solutions.
With today's high energy prices, striving for a more energy-efficient way of life and finding solutions have become more and more popular in society. One possible way to save energy is to use a smart plug at home. The aim of this work was to get acquainted with the various possibilities of using a smart plug, to design a smart plug that works by itself, and to test how much it benefits in terms of saving if it is used to control a water boiler. The work is divided into three stages, in the first stage the possibilities of use and main components of the smart plug were familiarized, in the second stage the finished smart plug was designed, and in the third the experimental part was carried out. The C++ programming language was used to create the smart plug program. In the experimental part, it was found that the energy consumption of the water boiler for cooling the water is 3.5 kWh per day, and the heat loss of the boiler is 5.98 kWh per month. In the test of using the smart plug, it was found that the use of the smart plug does not increase the energy consumption and the savings result purely from cheaper working hours. By calculation, it can be said that the monthly savings using a smart plug will be approximately 2 times compared to using it without a smart plug. This thesis provides a basis for the further design of the smart plug and for finding better usage solutions.
Tehnika ja tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, nutipistik, energiasäästmine, programmeerimine, projekteerimine