Combined application of mulches and organic fertilizers enhance shallot production in dryland
Kättesaadav alates
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
The objective of this study was to determine the type of mulch and organic fertilizer
that can induce suitable changes in the microclimate and chemical properties of soil for the
promotion of growth and yield of shallot on dryland. A factorial randomized block design
experiment with two factors and three replications was constructed. The first factor was mulches
consisting of rice straw, coconut husk, silver-black plastic mulch, and without mulch. The second
factor was the organic fertilizers composed of either composted cow manure, Gliricidia leaf
compost (each applied at 5 t ha-1
), and no organic fertilizer. Among all treatments tested, straw
mulch with 5 t ha-1
cow manure (L1P1) decreased the soil temperature from 36 °C to 30 °C and
increasing the soil moisture from 7% to 37%. This, in turn, increased the cation exchange capacity
by 24.32 meq 100 g
, pH by 6.83, C organic from 0.74 to 2.72%, C/N ratio by 13.27%, total N
by 0.29%, total P from 20.02 to 28.86 mg 100 g
and K2O by 39.16 mg 100 g
. In addition, the
growth and yield of shallot were positively affected, as assessed by plant height, leaf number,
root length, root dry weight, total leaf area, number of bulbs per hill, bulb diameter, weight of
fresh bulbs, and bulb yield. The yield of bulbs increased from 4.27 to 10.22 t ha-1
after L1P1
treatment. This study demonstrates the application of straw mulch and 5 t ha-1
cow manure could
enhance the yield of shallot cultivation on drylands.
Allium cepa var. aggregatum, rice straw, coconut husk mulches, cow manure, articles