Poolautomaatne välikaabli kerimis- ja hooldusmehhanism
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Tops, Karel
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Eesti Maaülikool
Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärgiks oli projekteerida poolautomaatne välikaabli kerimis- ja
hooldusmehhanismi prototüüp, mida Eesti Kaitsevägi saaks kasutada igapäevases tegevuses.
Töö esimese osas antakse ülevaade Eesti Kaitseväes kasutuses olevate välikaablite ja
kerimismehhanismite kohta. Töö teises osas on toodud välja tehnilised lahendused mooduli
koostamiseks. Arvutati välja, millise võimsusega mootorit on vaja rakendada ning missugust
ülekannet moodul peaks kasutama. Projekteeriti vastav mehhanism välikaabli suunamiseks.
Projekteerimise käigus koostati kaks hooldusmehhanismi prototüüpi. Prototüüpide
projekteerimise protsessi käigus selgus, kuidas muuta hooldusmehhanismi efektiivsemaks
ja kasulikumaks. Kokkuvõtteks leiti mooduli võimalikud kasutamise viisid nii maastikul kui
ka sõidukil ning arvutati ligikaudne kulu mooduli prototüübi koostamiseks.
The aim of this Master's thesis is to find out the necessity for a semi-automatic winder and maintenance mechanism for an army cable used by the Estonian Defence Forces and to design the corresponding device. This thesis gives an overview of existing army cables and army cable winding mechanisms in the Estonian Defence Forces. The project outlines technical solutions for the module and explains with calculations of how powerful engine the module needs to be, as well as what kind of gear the module should use. For the corresponding module, a routing mechanism was designed. Two prototypes of maintenance mechanism were constructed. During the construction of these prototypes, it became clear how to make the maintenance mechanism more efficient and beneficial. As a result, it outlined how to use the module on the terrain and in the vehicle and the approximate cost to construct the prototype of the module.
The aim of this Master's thesis is to find out the necessity for a semi-automatic winder and maintenance mechanism for an army cable used by the Estonian Defence Forces and to design the corresponding device. This thesis gives an overview of existing army cables and army cable winding mechanisms in the Estonian Defence Forces. The project outlines technical solutions for the module and explains with calculations of how powerful engine the module needs to be, as well as what kind of gear the module should use. For the corresponding module, a routing mechanism was designed. Two prototypes of maintenance mechanism were constructed. During the construction of these prototypes, it became clear how to make the maintenance mechanism more efficient and beneficial. As a result, it outlined how to use the module on the terrain and in the vehicle and the approximate cost to construct the prototype of the module.
Tootmistehnika õppekaval
magistritööd, Eesti Kaitsevägi, kaabelside, traatside