Skreipi lammaste ja kitsede aretuses
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Rak, Kristiina
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Eesti Maaülikool
Lammaste ja kitsede aretuses on olulisel kohal nakkushaiguste vältimimine. Skreipi on laastavalt mõjuv haigus, mida on võimalik aretusega kontrolli all hoida. Eesmärk on vaadelda, kuidas on suundunud Euroopa, sealhulgas ka Eesti, skreipi likvideerimise suunas. Uurimistöö on koostatud mitmete uuringute põhjal, mis on läbi viidud erinevates Euroopa Liidu riikides. Lisaks on töös tutvustatud skreipit kui haigust ning selgitatud genotüpiseerimist, mis on haiguse tõrje ning aretuse aluseks. Tänu sellele saab lambaid ning kitsi genotüpiseerida ning see läbi selekteerida aretuseks sobivaid loomi, kes kannavad resistentseid geene. Lammaste puhul on aretustöö tulemusena juba loodud skreipile resistentseid karju. Kahjuks kitsede puhul see veel hetkel nii ei ole, tulenevalt sellest, et info on puudulik ja nende aretus ei ole sama populaarne kui lammaste oma. Eestis on viimase kümne aasta jooksul suudetud märkimisväärselt suurendada skreipile resistentsete alleelidega loomade hulka. 2023. aasta analüüside tulemusel olid Eesti Lamba- ja Kitsekasvatajate Liidu uuritud puhtatõulised lambad ainult ARR/ARR alleeliga. Kuna Eestis pole riigisisest skreipi levikut olnud, siis tuleb hoolikalt kontrollida Eestisse imporditavad loomi.
In sheep and goat breeding, preventing infectious diseases is of paramount importance. Scrapie is a devastating disease that can be controlled through breeding. The aim is to examine the direction Europe, including Estonia, has taken towards eradicating scrapie. This research is based on several studies conducted in different European Union countries. Additionally, the work introduces scrapie as a disease and explains genotyping, which is the basis for disease control and breeding. This allows us to genotype and select sheep and goats for breeding animals that carry resistant genes. Breeding efforts have already established scrapie-resistant flocks in sheep. Unfortunately, this is not yet the case for goats, due to insufficient information and the fact that their breeding is not as popular as that of sheep. In Estonia, the number of animals with scrapie-resistant alleles has significantly increased over the past ten years. The Estonian Sheep and Goat Breeders Association analyzed purebred breeding sheep and according to the analysis conducted in 2023, they only had ARR/ARR alleles. Since there has been no domestic spread of scrapie in Estonia, it is crucial to carefully monitor animals imported into the country.
In sheep and goat breeding, preventing infectious diseases is of paramount importance. Scrapie is a devastating disease that can be controlled through breeding. The aim is to examine the direction Europe, including Estonia, has taken towards eradicating scrapie. This research is based on several studies conducted in different European Union countries. Additionally, the work introduces scrapie as a disease and explains genotyping, which is the basis for disease control and breeding. This allows us to genotype and select sheep and goats for breeding animals that carry resistant genes. Breeding efforts have already established scrapie-resistant flocks in sheep. Unfortunately, this is not yet the case for goats, due to insufficient information and the fact that their breeding is not as popular as that of sheep. In Estonia, the number of animals with scrapie-resistant alleles has significantly increased over the past ten years. The Estonian Sheep and Goat Breeders Association analyzed purebred breeding sheep and according to the analysis conducted in 2023, they only had ARR/ARR alleles. Since there has been no domestic spread of scrapie in Estonia, it is crucial to carefully monitor animals imported into the country.
Loomakasvatuse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, skreipi, aretus, resistentsus