Eesti elumajade energiatarve ja selle võrdlus naaberriikidega
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Kodud on tähtsaks osaks kõigi inimeste igapäevases elus. Selle juurde kuulub ka energia,
mida on vaja enamike eluks vajalike tegevuste puhul. Energiat kasutatakse toidu
valmistamises, hügieenis, töötamises, transpordis ja paljus muus. Enamikes riikides
moodustavad elumajad ning kõik nendega seonduv üldiselt suure osa kogu energiakasutusest,
seda eriti kodumajapidamiste sektorites. Suur tarbimine ning selle jätkuv tõus on enamasti
põhjustatud majapidamiste arvu suurenemisest ning elektriseadmete üha laidaldasemast
kasutusest. Väga oluliseks faktoriks on ka kliima, mis mõjutab tahtmatult riikide
energiatarbimist erinevalt.
Et energiaallikaid päästa, on maailm, eeskätt Euroopa välja töötatud mitmeid mooduseid,
kuidas säästa energiat. Säästes energiat, aitab Euroopa lahendada kliimamuutuste probleemi ja
ka piirata oma kasvavat tarbimist ning sõltuvust väljastpoolt ühenduse piire sissetoodavatest
fossiilsetest kütustest. Selleks on kehtestatud erinevaid nõudeid ja normatiive, nagu näiteks
Energiatõhususe miinimumnõuded või Ehitiste Energiatõhususe Direktiiv. Lisaks sellele on
arendatud välja mitmeid tehnoloogiaid energiat säästvatest seadmetest ning hoonetest. Üha
enam liigutakse energiatõhusate hoonete valitsemise suunas, milleks on näiteks pasiivmajad,
nullenergia majad või plussenergia majad. Nende põhimõtted seisnevad enamasti taastuvate
energiaallikate ära kasutamises ning energia jaotamises. Üheks võtteks on päikeseenergia
kasutamine, mis pole taastumatu ning mille efektiivsus ületab nii mõnegi energiaallika oma.
Lisaks sellele on võimalik energia kulutamisel tekkivat lisaenergiat teistsugusel kujul uuesti
kasutada. Sellist põhimõtet kasutatakse plussenergia maja puhul.
Selleks, et energiatarbimist piirata ning suunata, on oluline jälgida ja mõõta energiakasutust.
Seda tehakse enamasti erinevatest sektoritest lähtuvalt, milleks on tööstus, põllumajandus,
kodumajapidamised, transport ja kaubandus. Nende seas ongi just kodumajapidamissektor
see, mis tarbib enim energiat.
Majanduse kiire areng on avaldanud mõju ka Eesti energiatarbimise suurenemisele: Energia
lõpptarbimine on kasvanud, mistõttu on jätkuvalt kasvanud ka energiatootmine.
Energiatarbimise kasvu pidurdamiseks on oluline suurendada energiasüsteemi efektiivsust
ning suurendada lõpptarbijapoolset energiasäästmist, eriti soojuse valdkonnas, kus potentsiaal
energiasäästu osas on suurim.
Eesti elumajade seas on suurimaks energiatarbijaks maaelamud, mille põhjuseks on halvem
ehitustehniline olukord võrreldes teiste elamutüüpidega. Samuti on uuritud maaelamud
ehitusaastate poolest vanimad võrreldes kortermajadega. Võrreldes naaberriikidega on Eesti
energiatarbimine keskmine. Märkimisväärselt palju kulub energiat toidu valmistamisele ning
vee soojendamisele võrreldes Soome, Rootsi, Läti ja Leeduga.
Kokkuvõttes on Eestil suured energiasäästuvõimalused nii energia tootmisel, jaotamisel kui
Homes are an important part of everyday life for all people. This includes the energy required for most of the activities necessary for life. Energy is used for cooking, hygiene, employment, transportation and lots of others. In most countries the residential houses and all the related matters in general makes a large part of total energy use, especially in household sector. High consumption, and the continuing rise is mostly due to the increased number of household electrical appliances more available. A very important factor is also the climate that inadvertently affects different countries energy consumption. To save energy, the world, especially Europe has developed several ways to save energy. Saving energy is the way of helping to solve the problem of climate change and also to limit their consumption of the growing and dependence on outside its borders brought fossil fuels. Because of this, different requirements and standards, such as minimum energy performance requirements and Energy Performance of Buildings Directive have established. In addition, several technologies have been developed for energy-efficient equipment and buildings. Europe is increasingly moving towards energy-efficient buildings, such as passivhouses, zeroenergy houses or energy-plus houses. These principles lie mostly to the use of renewable energy sources and energy distribution. One method is to use solar energy, which is not renewable and whose efficiency exceeds that of many of its energy source. In addition, energy expenditure can be generated in a different form of energy re-use. This kind of principle is used in plus-energy buildings. In order to limit the consumption of energy and focus, it is important to monitor and measure energy use. This is usually based on different sectors which is industry, agriculture, households, transport and trade. Among these, it is precisely household sector, which consumes the most energy. Rapid economic development has also affected the increase of energy consumption in Estonia. Final energy consumption has grown, so has continued to increase also energy production. Energy consumption in moderation is important to increase energy efficiency and increase end-user energy conservation, especially in the heat sector, which has the largest potential for energy conservation. Among Estonian residential buildings the largest energy consumers are countryhouses, this is caused by the construction of the technical situation which is worse in comparison with other house types. They are also oldest by construction among investigated building.comparison to apartment buildings. Compared to neighboring countries, the Estonian energy consumption is average. Significant amount of energy is needed for cooking and water heating as compared to Finland, Sweden, Latvia and Lithuania. Overall, Estonia has a large potential for energy savings in both energy production, distribution and consumption.
Homes are an important part of everyday life for all people. This includes the energy required for most of the activities necessary for life. Energy is used for cooking, hygiene, employment, transportation and lots of others. In most countries the residential houses and all the related matters in general makes a large part of total energy use, especially in household sector. High consumption, and the continuing rise is mostly due to the increased number of household electrical appliances more available. A very important factor is also the climate that inadvertently affects different countries energy consumption. To save energy, the world, especially Europe has developed several ways to save energy. Saving energy is the way of helping to solve the problem of climate change and also to limit their consumption of the growing and dependence on outside its borders brought fossil fuels. Because of this, different requirements and standards, such as minimum energy performance requirements and Energy Performance of Buildings Directive have established. In addition, several technologies have been developed for energy-efficient equipment and buildings. Europe is increasingly moving towards energy-efficient buildings, such as passivhouses, zeroenergy houses or energy-plus houses. These principles lie mostly to the use of renewable energy sources and energy distribution. One method is to use solar energy, which is not renewable and whose efficiency exceeds that of many of its energy source. In addition, energy expenditure can be generated in a different form of energy re-use. This kind of principle is used in plus-energy buildings. In order to limit the consumption of energy and focus, it is important to monitor and measure energy use. This is usually based on different sectors which is industry, agriculture, households, transport and trade. Among these, it is precisely household sector, which consumes the most energy. Rapid economic development has also affected the increase of energy consumption in Estonia. Final energy consumption has grown, so has continued to increase also energy production. Energy consumption in moderation is important to increase energy efficiency and increase end-user energy conservation, especially in the heat sector, which has the largest potential for energy conservation. Among Estonian residential buildings the largest energy consumers are countryhouses, this is caused by the construction of the technical situation which is worse in comparison with other house types. They are also oldest by construction among investigated building.comparison to apartment buildings. Compared to neighboring countries, the Estonian energy consumption is average. Significant amount of energy is needed for cooking and water heating as compared to Finland, Sweden, Latvia and Lithuania. Overall, Estonia has a large potential for energy savings in both energy production, distribution and consumption.
elumaja, energiatarve, naaberriigid, energiatõhusus, Eesti, bakalaureusetööd