Endise tööstusmaastiku bioloogilise mitmekesisuse ja avaliku ruumi kasutamise võimaluste maksimeerimine Telliskivi Loomelinnaku näitel
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Bakalaureuse töös uuritakse endiste tööstusmaastike kujunemist ning elurikkust
linnakeskkonnas. Projekti eesmärk on kujunduse protsessi käigus kirjandusülevaatest ning
analüüsidest saadud info põhjal luua kasutajasõbralik ning mitmete kasutusvõimalustega
avalik ruum. Luuakse Reisijate tänavale Põhja-Tallinnas uus kujunduslahendus, mis
parandab linnaelustikule vajalikke keskkonnatingimusi. Kujundusprojektis järgitakse hea
avaliku ruumi põhimõtteid, lisades tänavaruumi mitmekesist haljastust ning kohti
peatumiseks ja kohtumiseks. Tähtsal kohal on ka graafiliste lahenduste olemasolu ning
nende sobitumine töö konteksti ja kirjeldusega. Töö tulemusena leiti, et postindustriaalsed
paigad on olulised linnaruumi arendamisel ning selliseid kohti projekteerides tuleb igal
juhul sobitada uus vanaga.
The bachelor thesis examines the formation of former industrial landscapes and the biological diversity in urban environments. The goal of the project is to create a user-friendly public space with multiple uses based on the information obtained from the literature review and analyses during the design process. A new design solution will be created for Reisijate Street in North Tallinn, which will improve the environmental conditions necessary for urban life. The design project follows the principles of good public space by adding diverse greening to the street space and places to stop and meet. The presence of graphic solutions and their matching with the context and description of the work is also important. As a result of the work, it was found that post-industrial places are important in the development of urban space, and when designing such places, the new must be matched with the old in any case.
The bachelor thesis examines the formation of former industrial landscapes and the biological diversity in urban environments. The goal of the project is to create a user-friendly public space with multiple uses based on the information obtained from the literature review and analyses during the design process. A new design solution will be created for Reisijate Street in North Tallinn, which will improve the environmental conditions necessary for urban life. The design project follows the principles of good public space by adding diverse greening to the street space and places to stop and meet. The presence of graphic solutions and their matching with the context and description of the work is also important. As a result of the work, it was found that post-industrial places are important in the development of urban space, and when designing such places, the new must be matched with the old in any case.
Keskkonnaplaneerimise ja maastikukujunduse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, postindustriaalsed maastikud, endiste tööstusalade ümberkujundamine, linnade bioloogiline mitmekesisus, avaliku ruumi kujundamine