Sigade keskkonnarikastus lõhnastatud mänguasjadega
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Ossipov, Oliivia
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Eesti Maaülikool
Sigalates on levinud probleemiks kannibalism ja muud ebanormaalsed käitumismustrid. Seaduses on ette nähtud, et sigadele tuleb ette panna tuhnimismaterjali, kuid restpõrandate kasutuse tõttu pole see kõikides farmides võimalik. Sigade hästi väljaarenenud haistmisorganid tekitavad võimaluse kasutada lõhna kui keskkonnarikastust. Lõhnad kui keskkonnarikastused on odavad, kergesti vahetatavad ja ei võta palju ruumi aedikutes. Uuringutes on kasutatud erinevaid lõhnu, mis on viinud ka erinevate tulemusteni. Käesolevas uurimistöös sooviti teada, kas lõhna lisamine tavaliselt farmis kasutusel olevatele mänguasjadele vähendab kannibalismi esinemissagedust ja stressi tunnuste esinemist keskkonna närimise näol. Selleks viidi läbi katse kolme sea grupiga, millest ühe grupi sigade mänguasju lõhnastati iga nädal uue lõhnaga, teine sai alati sama lõhna ja kolmas oli kontrollgrupp, kelle mänguasjad jäi tavaliseks. Katse viidi läbi 13. veebruar kuni 24. märts 2023 kokku 138 seaga vanuses 7-11 nädalat. Katse tulemusena esines kontrollgrupil rohkem kannibalismi ja keskkonna närimist. Lõhnastatud mänguasjadega gruppide tulemused olid üksteisega sarnased kuid erinevate lõhnadega grupil oli vähem stressikäitumist. Uuringu jaoks andmete kogumisel esines erinevaid probleeme, mis võisid mõjutada tulemusi.
Cannibalism and other abnormal behavioral patterns are common issues in pig farming. The law mandates the provision of rooting materials for pigs, but due to the use of slatted floors, this is not feasible in all farms. Pigs' well-developed sense of smell provides an opportunity to use scent as environmental enrichment. Scents as environmental enrichments are inexpensive, easily changeable, and do not take up much space in pens. Various scents have been used in studies, leading to different results. This study aimed to determine whether adding scent to commonly used toys on farms reduces chewing of other pigs and the environment. For this purpose, an experiment was conducted with three groups of pigs, one group receiving a new scent every week, another always receiving the same scent, and the third was a control group with regular toys. The experiment was conducted from February 13 to March 24, 2023, involving a total of 138 pigs 7-11 weeks old. As a result of the experiment, the control group exhibited more cannibalism and environmental chewing. Pigs with scented toys showed results similar to each other, but the group provided with different scents exhibited less stress behavior. Various problems arose during data collection for the study, which could have influenced the results.
Cannibalism and other abnormal behavioral patterns are common issues in pig farming. The law mandates the provision of rooting materials for pigs, but due to the use of slatted floors, this is not feasible in all farms. Pigs' well-developed sense of smell provides an opportunity to use scent as environmental enrichment. Scents as environmental enrichments are inexpensive, easily changeable, and do not take up much space in pens. Various scents have been used in studies, leading to different results. This study aimed to determine whether adding scent to commonly used toys on farms reduces chewing of other pigs and the environment. For this purpose, an experiment was conducted with three groups of pigs, one group receiving a new scent every week, another always receiving the same scent, and the third was a control group with regular toys. The experiment was conducted from February 13 to March 24, 2023, involving a total of 138 pigs 7-11 weeks old. As a result of the experiment, the control group exhibited more cannibalism and environmental chewing. Pigs with scented toys showed results similar to each other, but the group provided with different scents exhibited less stress behavior. Various problems arose during data collection for the study, which could have influenced the results.
Veterinaarmeditsiini õppekaval
magistritööd, kannibalism, lõhn, siga, stress, keskkonnarikastus