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Tänu Maa-ameti tegevusele suurepäraste ruumiandmete tootmisel, on täna rohkelt kõigile
kättesaadavat infot erinevate maastike kohta, mis ühest küljest pakub palju
avastamisvõimalusi, kuid samas tekitab ka küsimusi ja lahti seletamise vajadusi. Käesoleva
töö eesmärk on analüüsida Maa-ameti reljeefikaardil ühes Hiiumaa rannikumetsas ilmnenud
rohkete aukude päritolu erinevaid versioone kasutades geomaatika meetodeid.
Kuidas Õunaku metsa augud on tekkinud: kas tegemist on pommiaukude, karstilohkude,
meteoriidikraatrite või ongi kaevatud. Auke on seostatud soolatootmisega – madalale alale
on talvel kõrgveega tulnud soolast vett, suvel madalvee ajal see kõik aurustub, vee aurumisel
soolad kontsentreeruvad ja maastikku tekivad soolakud – ilma taimedeta surnud alad.
Selleks, et saada soolavett tuli sellisesse ilma taimedeta kohta kaevata süvend kuhu imbus
pinnasest soolane vesi, mida keetmisega sai veelgi soolasemaks muuta.
Uurimuse käigus on käsitletud maastike kujunemist jääajajärgse maakerke käigus ning
vaatluse all oleva piirkonna ajalugu ning nende seoseid. Töös on kasutatud varasemaid
uuringuid, küsitlemist, Maa-ameti ruumiandmeid, välivaatlusi ja instrumentaalset
mõõdistamist. Andmetöötluses on kasutatud QGIS, Surfer ja ArcGIS tarkvara.
Töö tulemusena on pommi-ja mürsuaukude ning termokarstilohkude päritolu versioonid
välistatud. Vähetõenäoliseks on hinnatud meteoriitne päritolu ja kõige tõenäolisemaks on
hinnatud, et augud on seotud soolaga.
Thanks to the activities of the Land Board in the production of excellent spatial data, today there is a lot of information available to everyone about different landscapes, which on the one hand offers many opportunities for discovery, but at the same time raises questions and needs for explanation. The aim of this work is to analyze the origin of many holes in the coastal map of Hiiumaa on the relief map of the Land Board using geomatics methods. How the holes in the Õunaku forest have been formed: whether they are bomb holes, karst pits, meteorite craters or have been dug. Holes are associated with salt production - salt water has entered the shallow area in high water in winter, it evaporates during low water in summer, salts concentrate when the water evaporates and saline is formed in the landscape - dead areas without plants. In order to get salt water, a pit had to be dug in such a place without plants, where salt water seeped from the soil, which could be made even saltier by boiling. In the course of the study, the formation of landscapes during the post-glacial landslides and the history of the observed area and their connections have been discussed. Previous research, surveys, land data of the Land Board, field surveys and instrumental surveying have been used in the work. QGIS, Surfer and ArcGIS software have been used for data processing. As a result of the work, versions of the origin of bomb and projectile holes and thermocouple pits have been ruled out. Meteorological origin is considered unlikely and holes are most likely associated with salt.
Thanks to the activities of the Land Board in the production of excellent spatial data, today there is a lot of information available to everyone about different landscapes, which on the one hand offers many opportunities for discovery, but at the same time raises questions and needs for explanation. The aim of this work is to analyze the origin of many holes in the coastal map of Hiiumaa on the relief map of the Land Board using geomatics methods. How the holes in the Õunaku forest have been formed: whether they are bomb holes, karst pits, meteorite craters or have been dug. Holes are associated with salt production - salt water has entered the shallow area in high water in winter, it evaporates during low water in summer, salts concentrate when the water evaporates and saline is formed in the landscape - dead areas without plants. In order to get salt water, a pit had to be dug in such a place without plants, where salt water seeped from the soil, which could be made even saltier by boiling. In the course of the study, the formation of landscapes during the post-glacial landslides and the history of the observed area and their connections have been discussed. Previous research, surveys, land data of the Land Board, field surveys and instrumental surveying have been used in the work. QGIS, Surfer and ArcGIS software have been used for data processing. As a result of the work, versions of the origin of bomb and projectile holes and thermocouple pits have been ruled out. Meteorological origin is considered unlikely and holes are most likely associated with salt.
Geodeesia, kinnisvara- ja maakorralduse õppekaval
magistritööd, LIDAR, rannamaastik, maakerge, soolaaugud, soolakud