Role of humic substances in agriculture and variability of their content in freshwater lake sapropel
Kättesaadav alates
Stankevica, K.
Vincevica-Gaile, Z.
Klavins, M.
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
The term ‘humic substances’ (HS) refers to a general category of naturally occurring,
biogenic, heterogeneous organic substances. They create the most widespread natural organic
matter found in sediments, soils and waters. Organic carbon in soil (up to 70%) and peat (up to
90%) usually occurs in the form of HS. HS influence the formation process of fossil fuels, as well
as they are involved in the plant nutrition process, have an influence on availability and toxicity
of metallic and other elements. Furthermore, HS play a significant role in the global carbon
geochemical cycle. Properties and application efficiency of humus depend on the source of HS.
Freshwater sapropel is a huge reservoir of HS with superior biological activity, although their
total content is lower than in peat. The aim of this paper, firstly, was to present the information
about the options of HS in agriculture and their main effects on plant growth. Secondly,
determination and characterization of HS content in freshwater lake sapropel was performed as
sapropel nowadays becomes a popular natural organic-mineral fertilizer and soil conditioner.
Sapropel samples were derived from Lake Pilvelis, Lake Pilcines, Lake Vevers, Lake Liducis and
Lake Padelis situated in Eastern Latvia. Investigation of HS content in sapropel is significant for
the Baltic States and Northern Europe due to wide distribution and availability of sapropel in
freshwater bodies. That promotes a search for new ways of extraction methods and
bioeconomically effective utilization of this natural resource, obtainable in economically
significant amounts, with high opportunities of its use especially in agriculture. Contemporary
agriculture strongly desiderates in new products of high effectivity enhancing soil and crop
productivity and quality hand in hand with sustainable development and careful attitude to the
nature and surrounding environment, thus, one of the ways how it can be achieved is
understanding how, where and how much HS preparations can be applied.
humic substances, freshwater sapropel, organic fertilizer, bio-stimulant, soil conditioner, articles