Taastuvate energiaallikate uurimine ja kasutamine : seitsmenda konverentsi kogumik : [2005 : Tartu]
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Seitsmes taastuvate energiaallikate uurimisele ja kasutamisele pühendatud konverents
TEUK–VII toimus 13. oktoobril 2005. a Tartus Eesti Põllumajandusülikooli aulas,
nagu ka kõik eelmised. Eesti seni suurimast taastuvenergeetika küsimustega tegelevast
ja seda valdkonda propageerivast foorumist, TEUK-VII konverentsist, võttis osa 180
huvilist, kes olid saabunud paljudest Eesti piirkondadest. Konverentsil esitati 30
ettekannet, millest käesolevas kogumikus tutvustatakse 23.
Konverentsi avades väljendas Eesti Põllumajandusülikooli teadusprorektor Andres
Koppel heameelt selle üle, et säästva elulaadi kujundamisel suurt tähtsust omav
taastuvate energiaallikate kasutamisele pühendatud arutelu viiakse läbi just selles
ülikoolis. Ta rõhutas, et keskkonnasõbralikus suunas töötab EPMÜ nüüd ja peatselt
uue nime – Eesti Maaülikool – all ka edaspidi. Ta teatas, et ülikooli moto on
“Eestimaa – elamisväärne ja igikestev” ning selle nimel töötavad ka taastuvenergeetika
ja säästva elulaadi sõbrad üle Eesti.
Konverentsi tähtsust Eestile kinnitas Eesti Vabariigi presidendi Arnold Rüütli
tervitus, mille edastas presidendi teadusnõunik professor Jüri Kann. Oma läkituses
nimetas president taastuvenergeetika arendamist ning elektri- ja soojusenergia
tootmise hajutamist oluliseks strateegiliseks ülesandeks ja ka regionaalarengut
soodustavaks tegevuseks. President väljendas lootust, et uudse ja keerulise valdkonna
arendamisega paratamatult kaasnevad raskused ületatakse ühise tööga ja nii
saavutatakse soovitud edu.
Konverentsi ettekanded käsitlesid Eesti elektrimajanduse arengut, Euroopa Liidu
seisukohti energeetika arendamisel, biomassi, päikese- ja tuuleenergia kasutamise ja
kütuste tootmise võimalusi ning sellega seonduvaid probleeme. Heaks uudiseks oli
informatsioon Eesti suurima, Pakri tuulepargi ja tema sõsara Esivere ametlikust
avamisest. Tähelepanu all olid ka mitmed loodushoiu teemad, näiteks fossiilsete
kütuste kasutamisega seotud ohud ja turvalisuse tagamine nahkhiirtele. Teiste riikide
edukatest töödest regionaalsete probleemide lahendamisel taastuvenergeetika arendamise
kaudu toodi eeskujuks Güssingi (Austria) ettevõtmised.
Kuigi konverents näitas, et Eestis tegeldakse jõudumööda taastuvenergeetika-alase
uurimistöö ja tehniliste rakendustega, tuleb siiski tunnistada olulisi puudujääke selles
valdkonnas. Aastate vältel on TEUK-konverentsidel ja real teistel aruteludel esile
toodud probleeme, mis vajavad üksikasjalikku arutelu ja otsustusi riiklikul tasandil.
Meenutame siin vajadust valmistada arvukamalt ette spetsialiste taastuvenergeetika
arendamiseks, avardada võimalusi uurimistööks ja näidisprojektide teostamiseks.
Samuti on jätkuvalt aktuaalne moodsate seadmete tööstusliku tootmise organiseerimine
riigi senisest aktiivsemal toel. Kogu edaspidise töö teljeks peaks saama
kaugeleulatuva kompleksse energeetika arengukava koostamine, mille käigus
tuleb läbi analüüsida kõik senised uuringud ja tähelepanu väärivad ettepanekud. Valdur Tiit, Taastuvenergeetika nõukogu
RENEWABLE ENERGETICS – AXIS OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. The 7th conference devoted to the investigation and usage of renewable energy sources (TEUK–VII) took place on 13th of October 2005 in Tartu in the hall of the Estonian Agricultural University as did all the past conferences. The biggest forum discussing and promoting renewable energetics in Estonia to date, the TEUK-VII conference had 180 participants from all over Estonia. There were 30 papers presented at the conference, of which the present conference proceedings feature 23. In the opening speech the Vice Rector of Research of the Estonian Agricultural University Dr. Andres Koppel expressed his delight that the discussion on the usage of renewable energetics that poses great importance in shaping sustainable lifestyle took place in the university. He stressed that the university, in the near future as Estonian University of Life Sciences, would always continue along the environment friendly path. Dr. Koppel said that the motto of the university is “Estonia – worth living and everlasting” and that all the friends of renewable energetics and sustainable lifestyle in Estonia work towards it. The significance of the conference for Estonia was stressed by the greeting from the President of the Republic of Estonia Arnold Rüütel, which was delivered by scientific adviser professor Jüri Kann. In his address, the president called the development of renewable energetics and the spreading of electric and thermal energy production an important strategic task that also promotes regional development. The president expressed his hope that the complications that are invariably incidental to the development of a new and complex area will be overcome with joint effort and the desired success will come. The presentations at the conference analysed the development of electric economy in Estonia, the viewpoints of the EU on the development of energetics, biomass, the usage of solar and wind power and the possibilities to make fuel and the related issues. The good news was information about the official opening of the largest Pakri wind park in Estonia and its sister park at Esivere. Other issues under discussion included several nature preservation topics, e.g. dangers involved in using fossil fuels and securing safety for bats. The Güssing region (Austria) was given as a good example in how regional problems can be solved through the usage of renewable energetics. Although the conference showed that several research and technical implementation projects in renewable energetics are undertaken in Estonia, it had to be admitted that there are still important shortcomings in this area. For years the issues that demand detailed discussions and decisions on the state level have been outlined at the TEUK conferences and other meetings. Such issues include the need to educate more specialists to develop renewable energetics, broaden the opportunities to carry out research and demonstration projects and organise industrial production of modern equipment with a more active support from the state. The axis of the entire work in the future should be the preparation of a far-reaching complex energetics development plan, during which all the research and noteworthy proposals to date have to be analysed. Valdur Tiit, Renewable Energetics Council
RENEWABLE ENERGETICS – AXIS OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. The 7th conference devoted to the investigation and usage of renewable energy sources (TEUK–VII) took place on 13th of October 2005 in Tartu in the hall of the Estonian Agricultural University as did all the past conferences. The biggest forum discussing and promoting renewable energetics in Estonia to date, the TEUK-VII conference had 180 participants from all over Estonia. There were 30 papers presented at the conference, of which the present conference proceedings feature 23. In the opening speech the Vice Rector of Research of the Estonian Agricultural University Dr. Andres Koppel expressed his delight that the discussion on the usage of renewable energetics that poses great importance in shaping sustainable lifestyle took place in the university. He stressed that the university, in the near future as Estonian University of Life Sciences, would always continue along the environment friendly path. Dr. Koppel said that the motto of the university is “Estonia – worth living and everlasting” and that all the friends of renewable energetics and sustainable lifestyle in Estonia work towards it. The significance of the conference for Estonia was stressed by the greeting from the President of the Republic of Estonia Arnold Rüütel, which was delivered by scientific adviser professor Jüri Kann. In his address, the president called the development of renewable energetics and the spreading of electric and thermal energy production an important strategic task that also promotes regional development. The president expressed his hope that the complications that are invariably incidental to the development of a new and complex area will be overcome with joint effort and the desired success will come. The presentations at the conference analysed the development of electric economy in Estonia, the viewpoints of the EU on the development of energetics, biomass, the usage of solar and wind power and the possibilities to make fuel and the related issues. The good news was information about the official opening of the largest Pakri wind park in Estonia and its sister park at Esivere. Other issues under discussion included several nature preservation topics, e.g. dangers involved in using fossil fuels and securing safety for bats. The Güssing region (Austria) was given as a good example in how regional problems can be solved through the usage of renewable energetics. Although the conference showed that several research and technical implementation projects in renewable energetics are undertaken in Estonia, it had to be admitted that there are still important shortcomings in this area. For years the issues that demand detailed discussions and decisions on the state level have been outlined at the TEUK conferences and other meetings. Such issues include the need to educate more specialists to develop renewable energetics, broaden the opportunities to carry out research and demonstration projects and organise industrial production of modern equipment with a more active support from the state. The axis of the entire work in the future should be the preparation of a far-reaching complex energetics development plan, during which all the research and noteworthy proposals to date have to be analysed. Valdur Tiit, Renewable Energetics Council
taastuvad energiaallikad, energia, tuuleenergia, hüdroenergia, päikeseenergia, biokütused, energiamajandus, säästev areng, energiapoliitika, Eesti, Euroopa, konverentsikogumikud