Aasia lepatriinu (Harmonia axyridis) – levik ja tõrjevõimalused
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Eesti Maaülikool
Töö eesmärgiks on anda ülevaade aasia lepatriinu (Harmonia axyridis Pallas 1773)
levikust ja kasutusel olevatest tõrjevõtetest ning välja selgitada, kas ja mil viisil hakkab
aasia lepatriinu Eestis kahju tekitama. Töö on koostatud teaduskirjanduse põhjal.
Vaadeldakse aasia lepatriinu päritolu, arengut ja elupaiku, toitumist, kasutamist biotõrjes
ning ohtlikust looduskeskkonnale. Kuna aasia lepatriinu on tänaseks levinud juba viiel
kontinendil ja ohustab kohalikke lepatriinuliike ja ökosüsteeme, siis on oluline pöörata
tähelepanu sellele Eestis seni veel mitte leitud putukale. Tema jõudmine Eestisse on aga
aja küsimus ning seni tuleb koguda liigi kohta infot, tegeleda teavitustööga ja seirega.
The aim of the current thesis is to provide an overview of Asian ladybird (Harmonia axyridis Pallas 1773), and to determine whether and in what way Asian ladybirds are beginning to create damage in Estonia. The work has been prepared based on scientific literature. It examines the origin, development and habitats of Asian ladybird, its feeding and the use in biocontrol and also its influence to natural environment. Since Asian ladybird is spread to the five continents today and threatens local ladybirds and ecosystems, it is important to pay attention to the insect which probably will be found in Estonia. Since then is important to collect and spread knowledge and conduct monitoring.
The aim of the current thesis is to provide an overview of Asian ladybird (Harmonia axyridis Pallas 1773), and to determine whether and in what way Asian ladybirds are beginning to create damage in Estonia. The work has been prepared based on scientific literature. It examines the origin, development and habitats of Asian ladybird, its feeding and the use in biocontrol and also its influence to natural environment. Since Asian ladybird is spread to the five continents today and threatens local ladybirds and ecosystems, it is important to pay attention to the insect which probably will be found in Estonia. Since then is important to collect and spread knowledge and conduct monitoring.
Aianduse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, lepatriinulased, levik (biol.), tõrjevahendid