Kasvavate puude kahjustamine harvendusraiel
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Šagalova, Irina
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Käesoleva bakalaurusetöö eesmärgiks on uurida kasvavate puude kahjustused harvendusraiel. Töös on kirjeldatud peamised kahjustused, mis on seotud harvendusraiega. Lisaks inimeste ja raskete masinate kahjustusele on kirjeldatud ka
sekundaarsed kahjustused.
Metsakahjustusteks on putukate, ilmastikutingimuste, seente ja inimeste kahjustused. Puude kahjustused mootorsaega ja harvesteriga. Pinnase tihenemine kokkuveoteede puhul.
Töö eesmärgiks on uurida puude ja metsakahjustusi ning nende tagajärgi, mis tekivad harvendusraiete käigus. Sisaldab allikaid, mis pärinevad erinevatelt paberkandjatelt saaadud materjalidest ning andmeid, mis on kogutud Järvseljal Õppe- ja Katsemetskonna neljal proovialal. Kogutud andmed töödeldud ja andmete põhjal on tehtud järeldused kahjustuste kohta kasvavatele puudele harvendusraiel.
Kasutatud materjal on võtnud erinevatest kirjanduse allikatest, internetist ja 2012. a. kogutud andmetest.
The aim of the present paper was to investigate growing tree damage on thinning. The graduation thesis describes the most important damages relating to the thinning. In addition to the people and the heavy machines work have been described the secondary damages. Forest damages: damage cause by insect, weather conditions, flungi and people damages. Tree damages with chainsaw and harvester. Soil compaction in the case of long – length system. The goal of the graduation thesis is to study tree and forest damages occurring during thinning and their effects. The work includes sources originating from different paper carries and from data measured in Järvselja Educational and Experimental Forest district on four areas. Collected data processed and from data made findings, what brigs more damages to growing trees on thinning. The used materials originate from different literal sources, from Internet and from data gathered in 2012.
The aim of the present paper was to investigate growing tree damage on thinning. The graduation thesis describes the most important damages relating to the thinning. In addition to the people and the heavy machines work have been described the secondary damages. Forest damages: damage cause by insect, weather conditions, flungi and people damages. Tree damages with chainsaw and harvester. Soil compaction in the case of long – length system. The goal of the graduation thesis is to study tree and forest damages occurring during thinning and their effects. The work includes sources originating from different paper carries and from data measured in Järvselja Educational and Experimental Forest district on four areas. Collected data processed and from data made findings, what brigs more damages to growing trees on thinning. The used materials originate from different literal sources, from Internet and from data gathered in 2012.
metsad, raie, puidukahjustused, mootorsaag, harvester, kokkuvedu, bakalaureusetööd