Riigi maakorralduse läbiviimine kinnisasjade avalikes huvides omandamisel Rail Baltica projekti näitel
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Eesti Maaülikool
Seoses maavajadusega Rail Baltica projekti elluviimiseks, tõusis tõsisemalt päevakorda
erinevate kompensatsioonimeetmete arutelu avalikes huvides kinnisasjade omandamisel.
Erinevate kompensatsioonimeetmete vajadusele viitasid nii Rail Baltic raudtee rajamisega
kaasnevate võimalike negatiivsete mõjude analüüs, teised uuringud kui ka välisriikide
praktika. Maakorralduse läbiviimine aitaks vähendada raudtee rajamisega kaasnevaid
maakasutuslike probleeme ning lihtsustada omandamise läbirääkimiste protsessi.
KAHOSega, mis jõustus 2018. aastal, anti muuhulgas menetluse läbiviijale õigus
omandamise eesmärgist ja olukorrast tulenevalt pakkuda maakorralduse läbiviimist.
Magistritöö eesmärk on välja selgitada kui palju on Rail Baltica projektis avalikes huvides
vajalike kinnisasjade omandamisel kasutatud riigi maakorralduse läbiviimise võimalust.
Kuna raudtee ja teenindusrajatiste ehitamiseks vajalike maade omandamine ei ole veel
lõpuni viidud, siis on riigile omandatud kinnisasjade arv fikseeritud 18.04.2022 seisuga.
Töö koostamiseks vajalikud andmed on saadud Maa-ameti dokumendihaldussüsteemist
ning on töö autorile kättesaadavad tänu ametikohale Maa-ameti maakorralduse osakonna
Töö tulemusena selgus, et Rail Baltica projektis oli 18.04.2022 seisuga riigile omandatud
266 kinnisasja. Riigi maakorralduse menetlusi oli 18.04.2022 seisuga läbi viidud 18 korral
ning sellega oli riigile vajalik maa omandatud 23st kinnisasjast, mis moodustab 8,5%
omandatud kinnisasjade koguarvust. Tehtud uurimustöö tulemuste põhjal saab järeldada,
et riigi maakorralduse läbiviimine on aidanud vähendada raudtee rajamisega kaasnevat
negatiivset mõju maakasutusele, sest enamikel juhtudel on suudetud vältida kinnisasjade
tükeldumist ning moodustatud eraomanikule kuuluv kinnisasi uutes piirides ühele poole
raudteed. Samuti saab tulemuste põhjal järeldada, et riigi maakorralduse läbiviimine
lihtsustab maade omandamise läbirääkimisi, sest võimaldab pakkuda alternatiivset
võimalust kokkuleppele jõudmiseks.
After the introduction of a new railway route, The Rail Baltic, a discussion in Estonia begun that different tools and methods for land acquisition in public interest are needed. These discussions were supported by previous studies, analysis and experiences from foreign countries, which indicated that the implementation of land consolidation could mitigate the negative impact on the current land use caused by the new railway route. At the same time the implementation of land consolidation could make the negotiation process easier for the state authorities, as it provides an extra compensation method. In 2018 The Acquisition of Immovables in Public Interest Act came into force and the Act gave the right, depending on the purpose of acquisition and the situation, to offer land consolidation. The aim of this thesis is to determine in how many instances has the implementation of land consolidation been used for the acquisition of immovables in public interest in the Rail Baltica project in Estonia. As the land acquisition process is not fully completed, the number of acquired immovables has been fixed with the date of 18.04.2022. The required data and information was received from the Estonian Land Board and was accessible for the author because of work related relations. The research indicated, that as of 18.04.2022, there were 266 immovables acquired by the state. The implementation of land consolidation had been used to acquire 23 immovables, which makes 8,5% of the total amount of acquired immovables. The research confirmed the assumption that the implementation of land consolidation could mitigate the negative impact on the current land use, because in most cases the privately owned land was formed on the one side of the railway track. The research also indicated, that the implementation of land consolidation can be a helpful tool in the negotiation process, as it provides an extra compensation method.
After the introduction of a new railway route, The Rail Baltic, a discussion in Estonia begun that different tools and methods for land acquisition in public interest are needed. These discussions were supported by previous studies, analysis and experiences from foreign countries, which indicated that the implementation of land consolidation could mitigate the negative impact on the current land use caused by the new railway route. At the same time the implementation of land consolidation could make the negotiation process easier for the state authorities, as it provides an extra compensation method. In 2018 The Acquisition of Immovables in Public Interest Act came into force and the Act gave the right, depending on the purpose of acquisition and the situation, to offer land consolidation. The aim of this thesis is to determine in how many instances has the implementation of land consolidation been used for the acquisition of immovables in public interest in the Rail Baltica project in Estonia. As the land acquisition process is not fully completed, the number of acquired immovables has been fixed with the date of 18.04.2022. The required data and information was received from the Estonian Land Board and was accessible for the author because of work related relations. The research indicated, that as of 18.04.2022, there were 266 immovables acquired by the state. The implementation of land consolidation had been used to acquire 23 immovables, which makes 8,5% of the total amount of acquired immovables. The research confirmed the assumption that the implementation of land consolidation could mitigate the negative impact on the current land use, because in most cases the privately owned land was formed on the one side of the railway track. The research also indicated, that the implementation of land consolidation can be a helpful tool in the negotiation process, as it provides an extra compensation method.
Geodeesia, kinnisvara- ja maakorralduse õppekaval
magistritööd, riigi maakorraldus, Rail Baltica, kinnisasjade avalikes huvides omandamine