1920.–30. aastate iluaiad Koeru kihelkonna taludes – kujunemine ja väljanägemine
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Käesolevas töös keskendutakse 1920. aastatel hoogsalt arenema hakanud iluaedade
kujunduspõhimõtetele ja uuritakse, kas ning kuidas need on mõjutanud Koeru kihelkonna
talude iluaedu. Töö eesmärgi saavutamiseks tuli tutvuda sel ajal Eestis iluaedade
kujundamisel kasutatavate põhimõtetega ja välja selgitada, milliseks kujundati taluaiad Koeru
kihelkonnas. Koeru kihelkonna aedade uurimiseks viidi läbi ankeetküsitlus.
Maakodude ümbruse kultuursemaks ja kaunimaks muutmiseks loodi Eesti Maakodude
kaunistamise Selts. Seltsi ülesannete hulka kuulus muuhulgas nõuannete jagamine ja kauni
kodu propaganda tegemine. 1937. aastal ilmus Kodukaunistamise Hoogtöö komitee väljaanne
“Maakodu ümbrus kaunimaks”. Tänu kodukaunistamise hoogtööle said talurahvale selgeks
tänapäeval enesestmõistetavad nüansid, nagu värvitud elumaja, korras tara ja eesõu, lipumasti
olemasolu. 1930. aastate lõpuks pole kindlat taluaia tüüpi veel välja kujunenud ning
talukompleksi rajamist soovitatakse ette võtta terviklikult.
Koeru kihelkonnas ollakse enne II maailmasõna edukad piimatootmises, rukki-, kartuli- ja
kanakasvatuses ning paljudel muudel aladel. Sarnaselt mujal Eestis toimunuga algab ka
Koeru kihelkonna taludes iluaedade rajamine koos elumaja valmimisega või pärast seda.
Aiandus areneb hoogsalt tänu aiandushuvilistele taluperemeestele ja piirkonnas töötavale
jaoskonna agronoomile.
Koeru kihelkonna talude õuedes ei paikne ilu- ja puuviljaed eraldi. Iluaed on tarade või
hekkide abil eraldatud, elumaja ees paikneb tihti puhas õu, mis omakorda on hekkide või tara
abil karjaõuest eraldatud. Iluaia kujunduses on oluline roll sirgetel tänavatel, mida kutsutakse
uulitsateks. Tänavad algavad elumaja veranda või välisukse eest, vahel ka maja otsast ja on
enamasti ääristatud lillepeenarde või korrapäraselt ridadesse istutatud viljapuude- ja
põõsastega. Lillepeenraid on iluaedades vaid nii palju, kui kiirete talutööde kõrvalt hooldada
jõuab. Uhkemad ja suurema taimesortimendiga iluaiad on aiandust õppinud või lihtsalt
aiandushuviliste peremeeste taludes. Taimede istikuid ostetakse naabrusest mõnest talust, kus
sellega spetsiaalselt tegeldakse, tuuakse Koeru laadalt või kaugematest puukoolidest.
Talude ja aianduse arengule annavad tagasilöögi 1939/1940, 1940/1941, 1941/1942 aastate
kolm järjestikust eriti külma talve ja II maailmasõda.
The present thesis focuses on the principles of landscaped gardens in the 1920s and researches whether and how these principles have influenced the farm courtyards in Koeru Parish. To achieve the set goals the author acquainted herself with the foresaid principles and researched the farm gardens and courtyards of former Koeru Parish. For these purposes a questionnaire was used. In order to embellish the farm environments and courtyards Estonian Association for Creating Beautiful Country Homes was founded. It focused on giving advice on developing farm courtyards and its surroundings. Because of their campaigns, simple things as painting houses, flagpoles and tidy courtyards became known to the country people. By the late 1930s a definite design for a farm gardens and courtyards had not yet developed. In Koeru Parish, as well as in the rest of Estonia, developing the farm courtyard started after the residential house had been built. In Koeru Parish the landscaped garden and orchard were not separated. The landscaped garden was separated by a low fence or hedge, in front of the residential house there was a small “clean” courtyard which in turn was separated from the farmyard by a fence or hedge. In the design of landscaped gardens straight footpaths, which started from the front door or patio and were bordered with flowerbeds, played a vital role. Sometimes these footpaths could also be bordered with fruit trees. The range of flowerbeds was limited by the amount of work they demanded as farm-work was more important. More lavish and biologically diverse flowerbeds could be seen in farms where the master of the house had learned or was interested in gardening. The development of both farms and landscaped farm gardens and courtyards was hindered by the Second World War and the extremely cold winters between 1939 and 1942.
The present thesis focuses on the principles of landscaped gardens in the 1920s and researches whether and how these principles have influenced the farm courtyards in Koeru Parish. To achieve the set goals the author acquainted herself with the foresaid principles and researched the farm gardens and courtyards of former Koeru Parish. For these purposes a questionnaire was used. In order to embellish the farm environments and courtyards Estonian Association for Creating Beautiful Country Homes was founded. It focused on giving advice on developing farm courtyards and its surroundings. Because of their campaigns, simple things as painting houses, flagpoles and tidy courtyards became known to the country people. By the late 1930s a definite design for a farm gardens and courtyards had not yet developed. In Koeru Parish, as well as in the rest of Estonia, developing the farm courtyard started after the residential house had been built. In Koeru Parish the landscaped garden and orchard were not separated. The landscaped garden was separated by a low fence or hedge, in front of the residential house there was a small “clean” courtyard which in turn was separated from the farmyard by a fence or hedge. In the design of landscaped gardens straight footpaths, which started from the front door or patio and were bordered with flowerbeds, played a vital role. Sometimes these footpaths could also be bordered with fruit trees. The range of flowerbeds was limited by the amount of work they demanded as farm-work was more important. More lavish and biologically diverse flowerbeds could be seen in farms where the master of the house had learned or was interested in gardening. The development of both farms and landscaped farm gardens and courtyards was hindered by the Second World War and the extremely cold winters between 1939 and 1942.
talud, aiandus, iluaiandus, Koeru kihelkond, Eesti, 1920-ndad, 1930-ndad, bakalaureusetööd