Markuse reoveepuhasti projekteerimine
Kättesaadav alates
Sisask, Siim
Ajakirja pealkiri
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Köite pealkiri
Eesti Maaülikool
Tartu valda, Vahi alevikku on planeeritud uued elamurajoonid. Seal tekkiva reovee
juhtimine Tartu linna ühiskanalisatsiooni on ebamõistlik, mistõttu on ette nähtud rajada
sellesse piirkonda reoveepuhasti, mille reostuskoormus on 160 - 1000 IE.
Töö eesmärk on projekteerida reovee annuspuhasti, mis on võimeline töötama ajas
kasvava reostuskoormuse korral, puhastades reovett vastavalt tänasel päeval Eestis
kehtestatud nõuetele.
Töö koostamisel on arvutusliku vooluhulga määramisel arvestatud nii olemasolevates kui
ka detailplaneerinute alusel rajatavates elamutes ning perspektiivsetele kinnistutele elama
asuvate elanike arvuga.
Puhasti dimensioneerimisel on lähtutud Saksa standardist ATV-DVWK-A 131E
„Dimensioning of Single-Stage Activated Sludge Plants“ ning Saksa standardi
reeglistikust DWA-M 210 „Belebungsanlagen mit Aufstaubetrieb (SBR)“.
Töö tulemusena on valminud käesolev lõputöö, mis kirjeldab antud piirkonda
reoveepuhasti projekteerimisel arvestatavaid vajalikke nüansse ja lahendusi. Lõputööga
koos on valminud Markuse reoveepuhasti projekt põhiprojekti staadiumis ettevõttes
Keskkond & Partnerid OÜ.
New residential areas are planned to be built in Vahi borough, in Tartu municipality. Directing the influent of the area to public sewarage system of Tartu is unreasonable, which is why the wastewater plant with pollution load of 160 – 1000 PE is going to be built to serve the given area. The thesis aim is to design a sequential batch reactor type wastewater treatment plant, which can work under increasing loads, treating wastewater as it is required in Estonia. Estimated flow to the treatment plant is obtained by counting habitants, who live in already built buildings, will live in planned building and in perspective estates. Dimensioning of the wastewater treatment plant is based on German standard ATVDVWK-A 131E „Dimensioning of Single-Stage Activated Sludge Plants“ and German standards rulebook DWA-M 210 „Belebungsanlagen mit Aufstaubetrieb (SBR)“: As a result, the thesis describes nuances and solutions, that are necessary for the design and efficiency of the wastewater treatment plant. Markus wastewater treatment plant project at the stage of main project was completed in the company Keskkond & Partnerid OÜ in paralleel with this thesis.
New residential areas are planned to be built in Vahi borough, in Tartu municipality. Directing the influent of the area to public sewarage system of Tartu is unreasonable, which is why the wastewater plant with pollution load of 160 – 1000 PE is going to be built to serve the given area. The thesis aim is to design a sequential batch reactor type wastewater treatment plant, which can work under increasing loads, treating wastewater as it is required in Estonia. Estimated flow to the treatment plant is obtained by counting habitants, who live in already built buildings, will live in planned building and in perspective estates. Dimensioning of the wastewater treatment plant is based on German standard ATVDVWK-A 131E „Dimensioning of Single-Stage Activated Sludge Plants“ and German standards rulebook DWA-M 210 „Belebungsanlagen mit Aufstaubetrieb (SBR)“: As a result, the thesis describes nuances and solutions, that are necessary for the design and efficiency of the wastewater treatment plant. Markus wastewater treatment plant project at the stage of main project was completed in the company Keskkond & Partnerid OÜ in paralleel with this thesis.
Vesiehituse ja veekaitse õppekaval
magistritööd, reoveepuhastus, aktiivmuda, annuspuhasti, tehnoloogia, projekteerimine